[h3][center][color=662d91]Trevor Smithee[/color][/center][/h3] [center]Medburn Guild[/center] [center][@Evanist], [@Shiny Keldeo][/center] As Trevor's two future teammates berated him for going outside, as well they should, he just nodded, and followed Lalchan to the medical wing of the guild, clumsily walking around as he did. [color=662d91][i]Kinda odd how I'm somehow even clumsier than when I was human... maybe that has something to do with the fact that this body's built to fly, at least, mostly.[/i][/color] he thought as he continued on, the cold, thankfully splinter-free floor under his feet, and the smell of... something getting stronger as he continued. Of course, he also heard the rest of the guild's chatter, something about how the portal was going to create a disaster, and how this wasn't the first time this has happened. Trevor figured that simply existing in this world would cause it to go to pure chaos. He spotted a small fairy type pokemon, one of the ones that held flowers in their hands, and he shuddered as he passed by, knowing full well that if he angered it, he would be HELPLESS in a fight, and, oddly enough, the thing seemed to notice him shudder, as it looked at Trevor, confused. It then asked why he was shaking, but he didn't want to answer that question, especially since he thought it would use that answer against him, no, instead, he just kept walking, despite the fact that the small fairy pokemon was now following him. [hr] [center][h3][color=ff5050]Ember[/color][/h3][/center] [center]Medburn Plaza (Eira's house) -> Medburn Outskirts (outside Ember's house)[/center] [center][@Ridlins], [@Shiny Keldeo][/center] It seemed as if the plan was going well for Ember, and once he snapped back into reality, he answered [color=ff5050]"Eh? Yes, I guess all that's left IS my parents' permission, or, more accurately, my MOM'S permission!"[/color] Ember shouted in his usual voice before finishing some of the food that was brought to them, and leaving the place behind him. Of course, while Ember would like nothing more than for his mother to never meet either of these two, he knew that they'd get suspicious of him if he just bolted off, again, so, he made sure that the rest of the team could follow as he headed to the outskirts of town. Away from the sights, smells, and sounds of city life, there was one... oddly enough, tree that he and his parents lived in, despite most of the family being fire types. Ember always wondered why his own fire moves never burned the tree, and he assumed that the nosy pokemon behind him would ask that exact question, so, he just blurted out [color=ff5050]"No, I don't know how it hasn't burned down yet, either! Maybe it's the type of tree they make guilds out of, or something!"[/color] Ember then remembered this one time he saw a slugma enter the guild... and somehow, the wooden structure didn't immediately burst into flames... again, somehow, the wood was immune to fire.