Ryo looked between the four of them, though Vegeta just seemed to be glaring in his direction. At Kinoko's words however his shoulders seemed to drop and he crossed his sleeves over his chest, there were two people in this city that he genuinely cared about. He considered the likelihood that they would end up in Yuvo's path of destruction. After a moment of consideration he raised his head and gave the group a thumbs up. Though on the inside he was screaming at his stupidity, he couldn't avoid danger of that magnitude and lives were being put in danger, he couldn't let that happen. 21 and Goku smiled seeing this and Goku raised a fist at their new ally, though he might not look so happy if he could see the tears stinging the edge of Ryo's eyes. "Thank you for your assistance Kitsu," 21 said. "Let's enact the plan this evening. Goku I'll find the lab and let out a bit of my energy, use instant transmission to find me. Kinoko I'll give you the location of the clones, you and Vegeta head there. Use Instant if you can lock onto their energy. Kitsu wait on the outskirts of the forest, I'll tell Yuvo your location, he'll come to you." [i]"Delightful."[/i] "Sounds good," Goku said. "I'd rather not wait...but I'm guessing you have a plan." 21 nodded before swinging her legs over the side of the bed, as she did Ryo held up a finger, she stopped seeing this before Ryo reached up and removed the fox mask from his face. Pulling down the mask covering his nose and mouth on the inside, he removed the bandana before sighing. "I just want you to see my face in case it ends up on a missing poster, so you can inform my next of kin...and sorry but I want a favor for doing this," Ryo said. "You're a guy!" Goku said pointing at him. "Of course I'm a guy!" Vegeta was silent for a moment before his eyes narrowed. "You look familiar..." "T-that's not important right now," Ryo said holding up a hand. "Vegeta right, you're looking for employee's after your last ones ran off right?" Vegeta stared at him wondering why he would know something like that, though 21 confirmed it herself informing that she has been watching everyone. "If I don't die to this guy, I want you to ask Miss Bulma to hire me and another guy part time," Ryo said. "Why would I do that?" Vegeta questioned turning to fully face him. "Because I like living and there's only two people in this city I care about who I can fly out of here by this evening." "Deal," Goku said smiling causing Vegeta to look at him. "What? He is putting his life on the line and he barely knows us, if he feels that strongly about it I don't see why not. Besides it'd help Bulma too." "I appreciate it," Ryo said putting his bandana, face mask and fox mask back on. "I'll keep Yuvo busy as long as I can. If you'll excuse me I'm going to have lunch, cry a little and get ready to fight a nearly unstoppable alien for total strangers." Ryo bowed to everyone before walking out of the door making his way out of capsule corp. "Okay," 21 said. "I'll go to Yuvo and get the plan started. Vegeta please apologize to Bulma for me and let her know I'll pay for the damages. I have to make it look like I escaped." "Wha-" Vegeta was cut off when 21 blew a hole in the wall before quickly flying out of it and into the distance, Goku stared at the hole in the wall before clearing his throat. "I...think we should leave before Bulma see's that. An angry Bulma is the one thing we can't defeat. Good luck Vegeta." Goku put two fingers against his head and vanished a moment later.