[center][h2]Christening of the Stupid[/h2][h3][color=f6989d]Reina[/color] [color=00aeef]Bullhorn[/color][/h3][/center][hr] Coming down from the window was Bullhorn with his backpack full of loot, in tow were his two companions the thief and the merchant. Bogged down with all the loot from inside, the trio had quickly amassed a generous pile of broken radios and other miscellaneous garbage from inside the strange NPC's house and were poised to make a dash for the treeline. Bullhorn did not generally make himself out to be a thief of any kind and in the real world looked upon the act of theft with heavy disdain. There were many a fool who had tried to swipe alcohol from behind the bar only to come face to face with him. It was a secret pride of his to be alert for such shenanigans. [@Lasrever][@riffus maximus] [color=00aeef]"You two head out. I'm gonna hang back and take a look around a bit."[/color] Saluting the two others, Bullhorn dusted off and rearranged his coat with a quick flick by its collars. As Bullhorn turned away from his wouldbe companions, his gaze was met by a slightly shorter woman, in tribal apparel. A warm smile beaming at him. [color=f6989d]"A heist well executed, hm?"[/color] She chuckled, her eyes glancing to his loot bag. At any other time Bullhorns inescapable lack of emotion, from joy to fright, would not have surfaced. The sight of a vibrantly colored somebody whos name he knew was a rare exception. The stifled scream from his lips would surely have alerted others had his hands not covered his mouth in time. Eyes wide with brief but visible panic, Bullhorn exhaled sharply before half-running over to the diminutive speaker. [color=00aeef]"I told you not to do that.."[/color] Arching an eyebrow, Maxwell glanced to either side before continuing. [color=00aeef]"How long have you been here?"[/color] Her smile changed to a smrik before she looked up slightly, tapping her chin in thought. [color=f6989d]"Well..."[/color] [center][color=f6989d][i][b][h3]FLASHBACK..[/h3][/b][/i][i][b]Flashback..[/b][/i] [i][b][sub]Flashback..[/sub][/b][/i][/color] [sub][sub](Note: She is actually saying 'flashback', but quieter each time..)[/sub][/sub][/center] [quote] [color=f6989d]Lynda woke up this morning with the energy of a child that downed ten espresso shots in rapid succession. Excited for the new event that was about to unfold that morning. An event that she was informed of by her amazing and very nice and talkative best friend, Sir Maxwell O'Sullivan the Forty-Fifth, Forty-Fifth of his name, long may he reign! In all his capey cash shop 'I've got too much money' glory! Logging in with the speed of a rock accelerating into the sun's orbit, jamming the VRMMO headset onto her skull as if she was about to concuss herself in a bout of self harm. Logging in and immediately being sucked into the event portal as if a blackhole itself had opened in the world, having forgotten they'd parked the character there the night before at Bullhorn's behest. Then they landed in a mysterious plane that our brave and oh so beautifully shiny hero didn't even know of! And there he was. Sir Maxwell O'Sullivan the Forty-Fifth, Forty-Fifth of his name (long may he reign), walking off with two other miscreants or general no-good-nicks who seemed to be leading him to somewhere most unsavory! The Great Lightning Sage Reina, she of magnificence and armed with a beauty that can not be beat, had to stalk after them to make sure Sir Maxwell O'Sullivan the Forty-Fifth, Forty-Fifth of his name (long may he reign), her best friend in the whole universe, wasn't about to do something so sinful that the greatest demon kings and queens of the Seven Hell's themselves would be challenged![/color] [/quote] [color=f6989d]"And here we are. You thiefy thief you! You should be ashamed of yourself, oh Most Powerful Astromancer of Doom, BULLHORN!"[/color] She said with great grandeur, her hands on her hips. Bullhorn, standing through the verbal diarrhea that was escaping from Lynda's mouth, had thumb and pointing finger firmly pressed to his temples in a futile attempt to massage away the stupidity. Like a blanket it wrapped around him uncomfortably as the story progressed for what felt like an eternity. At last she was finished and Max cut in with his usual 'to the point' dissection. [color=00aeef]"So you woke up, logged in and saw me, then waited to find me outside the house. That about covers it?"[/color] The girl wasn't exactly a morning person. Max rightfully assumed this was sleep deprivation being played off as 'enthusiasm'. [color=f6989d]"Yup!"[/color] She exclaimed, brimming with stolen enthusiasm. [color=f6989d]"So, what did you get?"[/color] She added, basically teleporting behind, poking his bag of loot with a childish curiosity. In a futile attempt to stop her, the horned mage tried to turn with the girl's eccentric speed, ultimately giving up as Reina poked the bag on his back. Defeated but not bested, his hand closed on the collar of Reina's shirt and lifted up, casually pulling the girl off the ground as he sighed. [color=00aeef]"If I show you, will you stop that please."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Maaaaaaaybe~"[/color] She responds with a cheeky smirk. [color=00aeef]"You're a catastrophe, Lyn."[/color] Not one to chuckle he let the girl down and motioned for her to follow. [color=f6989d]"Of course!"[/color] She cheered, throwing her hands up in the air before following after him [color=00aeef]"Me and two others, thief and a merchant, absolutely broke into the NPC's house. Weird thing is we found a bunch of.. old, OLD, outdated technology just sitting in a hidden room full of statues."[/color] Reaching into his inventory he tossed one such broken clock to the Thunder mage. The two of them were setting a casual pace towards the trees, Bullhorn sending the girl a proper party request. The other group he had dissolved from. There would be a message for both of them later but for now it was back to a familiar face. [color=00aeef]"Look for yourself. They're rusted junk but there was lots of them. Merchant player intends to make a profit and share. I intend to use the profits to get us better gear."[/color] [color=f6989d] "Aha! So I was right! They're a right shady bunch!!"[/color] She said, nodding to herself as if to say 'I'm totally smart and stuff.' Catching the broken clock with the dexterity of a newborn fawn, she promptly dropped it into the dirt. She quickly accepted the party request as she picked up the mechanical artifact. [color=f6989d]"Maaaybe it's super magical! MAYBE THIS THING CAN CONTROL TIME ITSELF!"[/color] She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air once more, almost tossing the clock into a tree.She retrieved the object again, nodding to herself.. Again. [color=f6989d]"That Merchant is real shady. But he knows his stuff!"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Or maybe it is just an old and broken clock. One of nearly a hundred. Might be a game, Lyn, but stuff like that doesn't hide out on the first zone."[/color] Reaching over, Bullhorn flicked the girl's forehead and grabbed the clock with his free hand before placing it back in the bag for safekeeping. Of the loot they had found, a single clock was all he'd taken as his own personal loot. [color=f6989d]"BUT it's [i]because[/i] it's a game. Don't you get it?!"[/color] She protested just as her forehead was impacted by the mighty digit of Sir Maxwell O'Sullivan the Forty-Fifth, Forty-Fifth of his name, (long may he reign.) or.. Most Powerful Astromancer of Doom, Bullhorn. She rubbed her forehead with her now empty hand with a slight look of pain.. AGONY. [color=00aeef]"Grow up.." [/color]