[center] [b]Merry Alvarez[/b] [img]https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/images/characters/11/310226.jpg[/img][/center] [@Noxxis] "Celestial Wizard?! Oh how it is an honor to meet you, Maya." She exclaimed as she was startled. Merry paused for a short while and her expression showed surprise, of all Mages throughout the world, Celestial Mages still exist. "That's amazing! Back at my country, one of the 12 Spriggans which by the way is the equivalent of your 10 Great Wizard Saints happened to be a Celestial Wizard too... I never thought I get to meet another one. Ehhahahaha... yeah consider it in my authority breaching powers, I am now a Fairy Tail member hahahaha." The last part was sarcastic, she knew better than just forcing herself to break a process. Having heard what Maya just said to her, Merry breathed heavily out a sigh to shrug off whatever emotion she felt from the Celestial Mage. The train station was jam packed like sardines and Merry noticed how poor the shy fellow's social skill was perhaps he was trying to get tickets? Quickly she turned back to Maya and this time with her composure regained. "I'm a Devil Slayer, I exorcise demons." Merry said with great pride like as if it's a profession. "You know...I could get us First Class [i]slash[/i] VIP tickets and bypass the long line with my authority to make things faster. If it's tickets that your friend is trying to get, I can get them in no time. No offense but the first thing that anyone in my shoes with such power would do is assert it! HAHAAHAHA!"