[img]https://img00.deviantart.net/cdcd/i/2015/159/7/c/argonian_by_victoriadaedra-d5nt811.jpg[/img] Name: Sisseepa (sis•SEE•pa) Age:37 Race: Argonian Height: 5’9 Eye color:Lavender Blue Main Class: Archer Secondary Class: Warrior Weapons: Ebony Bow, Two Steel daggers, Assortment of Arrows (Whatever he comes across) Armor:Chitin Light Armor (without the helmet),Hood, Leather boots Clothes: Basic hunting attire Shout you will learn: Aura Whisper Biography (Optional): (Working on it) Marital Status: Single Relationships(With cannon NPC'S) (Optional): Has worked and formed a lasting companionship with the Argonian dock workers of Windhelm. “Glory for the Companions or Sovengarde!”