[quote=@Guy0fV4lor] [i]*uses shield spell to suffocate people*[/i] [/quote] I was thinking of making a submarine and going to see what's in the water actually. Or, well, not me personally, but I'll happily make a shield for one of you idiots. [quote=@Zeroth] Rather than an actual wall or barrier, the aura that appears around the target is meant to be an indicator that the spell is active on them. What Shield actually does is a buff on the target—it essentially raises your Defense. So right now it wouldn’t allow all those creative uses—remember we’re still basically at level one. For higher ranks of the spell, or other spells you learn later on, barrier traps, platforms, etc may be possible. I like your thinking though! [/quote] Oooh, that's disappointing. That's actually really disappointing. It makes sense though, we are the lowest level possible. More of a general question before I start making my post. Is it possible to discover new spells just through experimentation? Say I try casting my healing spell over and over, then try to tweak how I do it to get a different effect, would that produce results? Maybe as a side effect of my skill giving me better insight into that kind of thing? "Hmm, I wonder what happens if I try to cast heal of two people at once?" *Oberon learned Curaga*