[center][img]https://fanart.tv/fanart/movies/13256/movielogo/mutant-chronicles-4fdd21c24a001.png[/img] The year is 2135 and humanity as we once knew it has become a memory. Once the superior species of Earth, nuclear war and disease have seen to it that Mutants have become the dominate species. Mutants (or Mutes) common in many shapes in sizes. Many were once animals, modified by radiation and becoming more intelligent. Some were once humans but now possess abilities that have changed them. Of course, there are the machines that have survived. Robots who have gained sentience and some would even say a soul. Mutes do what they can to survive, hunting animals, scavenging for food and ammunition, doing what it takes to survive as rumors have begun circulating of non-mutated humans returning and declaring war on mutant kind....[/center]