Roxy had no loved ones. She had no one but Jess to protect. And by protecting Jess she would be protecting those the empath cared for. The fact that the other woman hadn't even her anything thought wouldn't have surprised Roxy no one gave her much thought or so she thought. She was used to living in the shadows. She locked the garaged behind her before heading to the stairs. She didn't have to look behind her to know that Jess was close she could feel the other woman behind her. [color=blue]"I am going to my room for awhile. I'll give you some privacy to respond to your messages."[/color] Roxy was sure it was Jess' mom checking in. No doubt the woman thought her daughter was trapped in a biker club or a cult. People judged by appearance and Roxy's appearance was tough as nails woman who wasn't someone people wanted to mess with. If Jess' mom researched her, which Roxy was sure the older woman would do she would discover Roxy was the daughter of a wealthy and respected businessman. Which would explain their watchers to anyone who couldn't feel emotions. Most people thought she was simply a heiress going through a rebellious stage. Which she supposed was true in a way. She was rebelling against everything her father stood for.