unebug’s mouth flattened into a hard line of disapproval as the brief scuffle unfolded. She glanced at Taya’s screen as the girl moved to interpose herself between the two men. Most of it was nonsense to her, save for the running video of a news cast discussing the video of ‘Aiden’ killing his sister. “How do we know he is even still here?” Aiden asked pointedly refusing to look at Neil. “He probably is, down with the command group of this little coup,” Sayeeda replied, running a hand through her slightly too long hair. She made a mental note never to leave the Highlander without her armor again and then mentally chided herself for it. You couldn’t be on all the time, not and still be human at any rate. “Besides he dosen’t strike me as the kind to leave his hot little piece here...” she nodded at the trussed woman. She was awake now and gared at Sayeeda with impotent fury, unable to speak for the cargo tape over her mouth. “... all alone,” Sayeeda concluded and winked suggestively at the bound woman. Spots of color appeared on the other womans cheeks, making her look lovely rather than the enraged she was probably going for. “What are our options then, go down their shooting? Surely it has to be more complicated than that.” “People always seem to think going in shooting is uncomplicated,” Junebug complained philosophically. “But he has already spread the video that shows you killing your sister,” Taya interjected, “Will the people still support you?” “I had enjoyed fairly broad based support, this conspiracy is based on whipping up uncertainty rather than any love for Alexander,” Aiden said looking uncomortable. “We can release the unedited footage,” Taya said, “It might take a while but people will accept the …” “Yeah yeah,” Junebug interjected, “all very interesting points to consider after the usurper is dead. Taya get into the video feeds and find out where they are.” The girl leaped to the console and began typing furiously. The bound woman’s eyes flicked to the door, beacuse Junebug was looking at her she caught the motion. The indicator had gone green, someone was in the hall. She lifted her weapon just as the door hissed open. [@POOHEAD189]