Thank you for looking! I unfortunately will have to get the boring do's-and-don'ts out of the way first, I apologize if this gets lengthy but I'd rather just get it all down here and now to avoid confusion later on. [hider=PLEASE READ ME FIRST] - I am 100% okay with NSFW content, but I can do without! All my plots can be either or, just let me know what you prefer and we can discuss details over PM. I don't care if we RP on the forum or over PM, whatever you prefer. - Even if we do a RP without adult interactions between our characters, take note that I still prefer my RPs to be mature. Meaning that they will mostly likely contain things like violence in one shape or another (depending on the setting, violence is a given during war scenes) and I get detailed in my descriptions. Don't expect a gore fest, but don't be squeamish either. Also, my characters tend to curse. That's not gonna change. Because of this, I prefer not to RP with minors. - Advanced RPs only. I have almost 20 years of RP experience - do not let that deter you, I am not a difficult person to RP with at all. All I ask is that you write at least one to two paragraphs (for the love of god, no one liners) and that you take care to give me something to work with in my post, because I will do the same for you. Also please proofread your post before posting. I will not go grammar nazi on you, don't worry - typos slip through sometimes and that's fine. Just do your best to minimize them and we're good! - Don't make me carry the RP alone, don't be a passive player. You don't have to write NPCs/side characters if that's not your thing, I'm happy to do that myself, but provide ideas for RP. Share your plot bunnies, make stuff happen. I will do the same. - don't ask me to double. It's not my thing. - I prefer canon/canon or OC/OC. I'm extremely picky when it comes to canon/OC pairings (ironically enough my big plot idea below has this). - [b]TELL ME IF YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH SOMETHING![/b] I can't read your mind, and I want you to enjoy this RP as well. Talk to me, I'm very friendly and open-minded, and I'm always open to discussion. If you want a certain thing, or want something changed, just let me know and we'll talk. Communication is important. ^_^ - I'll reply as often as I can, and I'll aim for at least once a day. Life happens though, for me and for you. - My posts can range from anywhere between 250+ words to 3500+ words (rare, but it happens). I don't expect you to post match those though. I don't expect you to post match me period, [i]just give me enough to work with.[/i] - If you read all this, please add the words 'space monkey' in your reply or PM, so I'll know you actually did. :D [/hider] Moving on! I will most likely only take on about two RPs for now. I [b]really[/b] want to do the plot below, but if you have a good idea involving one of the following fandoms, shoot me a message. I might be interested. Fandom list, in no particular order of preference: - Fallout 4 (my character will not be the Sole Survivor) - Elder Scrolls (Morrowind in particular, my character will not be the Nerevarine/Dragon Born/Champion) - Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Age (I have a non-Inquisitor character) - Dishonored - Rockman X - Marvel Cinematic Universe (can play Loki) - Assassin's Creed And now for plot! Again, this is something I've been wanting to write for a loooong time. Literal years. I have trouble finding someone to write this with because it's a bit specific and I'll have to dump quite a bit of info on you, but I [b]REALLY[/b] hope to finally find someone here (oh god please yes). I have a TON of ideas for this one ranging from funny to angsty to scary, and there are so many different directions we can take this in. It's based on the Rockman X fandom, but before you go "Ugh, not my thing", [b]PLEASE READ ON[/b], I beg you! Trust me. You can always say no at the end of this promo, but give me a chance to explain. You should know I really like writing AUs, or just borrowing certain things from a fandom, like a setting or a species or just a general idea of a character, and using and adapting that in an original setting we then fill out with our own ideas. This is like that, and what helps is that you don't have to be familiar with the fandom AT ALL. Actually I'd prefer that even, because that means that all the characters I'll introduce and all the ideas I have will have a bigger impact on not just your character, but on YOU as well. I'll admit, I've never played the games myself; all my knowledge comes from reading slashy fanfiction as a teen, and the rest is all headcanon. And of course I'm absolutely open to any ideas you might have later on as the RP unfolds, just because I have a lot of plans doesn't mean I don't want to hear about your ideas on where to take the story! In short, this is a semi apocalyptic setting during a wartime, in which humans try to survive a seemingly never-ending battle against these crazed robots who are hell bent on turning humans into an extinct species. This would have a little bit of everything, from relaxed slice of life moments to serious life-and-death situations on the battlefield and everything in between. I am fine with this not being smutty. IF our characters ever potentially get to the point it makes sense for them to have sex, it can just be implied with a fade to black or something, or just go full detail. But it's mostly the friendship and possible romantic aspect of this that I'm interested in. [hider=Backstory time!] Yes I know, I'm sorry it's lengthy! This is stuff that people in this RP, including your character, would know about because it's part of their general history (loosely based on canon, I'm already winging stuff here). So, 200 or so years ago there were these two world renowned scientists, Dr. Thomas Light and Dr. Albert W. Wily. Both were heavily involved in the field of robotics, they were pioneers, making huge leaps forward in what science was capable of. And one day they came up with the idea of trying to make a robot that, while bound to the laws of robotics, could think for itself and make its own decisions. After a lot of planning, blueprinting and [i]actual science[/i] they come up with a working prototype, something they call a 'bioroid'. It's not perfect however. It's functional and their theory seems to work for the most part as in he's able to make his own choices and voice his own ideas within the bounds of his programming, but... he's not what they hoped to get. Not enough personality. After all, he was the first, can't expect him to be perfect. But it works, so they want to build more. But whereas Dr. Light wants these future bioroids to help humanity in whatever way is needed, Wily sees their potential as loyal and smart war-robots he can use to rule mankind. Typical evil genius stuff. So naturally Wily and Light have a falling out and they part ways. Light builds a few more bioroids, basically creates his own little happy family of mechanical humanoid kids. Of course Wily hasn't been sitting around doing nothing and has been hard at work creating various battle-ready bioroids he calls his Robot Masters. They pose a serious threat, so Light has no choice but to equip his own peaceful robo children with fighting equipment to keep the Robot Masters at bay. This feud goes on for years and years. Light eventually gets the idea to build a new kind of robot. An improved bioroid if you will, one who really won't be limited to its programming, one who really can think for itself and learn and adapt like a human. A real sentient robot, no longer bound to the Laws of Robotics, able to think and act on its own. As human and life-like as is scientifically possible. He calls it a reploid. This becomes his Project X, but this reploid is so complicated to build Light knows it will take him years to complete. Of course Wily catches wind of this and sends one of his Robot Masters out to investigate and spy on them; It does more than that and it actually manages to steal X's blueprints for Wily. Wily gets all giddy and excited and immediately begins preparations on building his own 'ultimate creation' – with this reploid he won't even need his Robot Masters, it would be an one-man army all on its own. Unfortunately what Wily doesn't know, because it's not in the blueprints, is that because of their complexity one can't activate a reploid the moment it's done. It needs to incubate for years – they need this time for their programming to sort of figure out right from wrong, to download all the data they'll need to live alongside humans as equals. If they were to activate it upon finishing it, the reploid's systems would likely go haywire and the bot itself will go completely berserk. Obviously a bad thing. Light knows that Wily will send his reploid their way the moment it's done, so in an effort to protect X while he's incubating he builds a bunker underground, far beneath his house in the hope that when Wily's reploid does come, he won't be able to find X. Light knows, and so do his bioroids, that they won't stand a chance against it. So, as expected, Wily sends his new reploid their way the second he finishes the final touches. The end result is what you'd expect: the reploid becomes unstable and goes on a murder spree, massacring every Robot Master and also killing Wily, because there are no Laws to keep it from harming humans. Killing is easy, it's something it understands, and it knows what Wily build him for: to find and destroy X, [i]the one like him.[/i] So that's what it does... it escapes Wily's underground bunker and tracks down Light, kills him and destroys his bioroids. Fortunately it fails in actually locating X, and eventually its systems overheat and it shuts down on its own. Light becomes known as the original Father of Robotics, and Wily goes down into history as a psychopathic madman. That's the backstory. Now for the actual setting and timeline the RP would take place in. I dunno, could be somewhere in the 22nd or the 23rd century or something. I dunno. I also don't know where this would take place; we could make up a city or use an existing one. I'm not too picky. So, nowadays reploids are very common. A couple of decades ago, during excavations around Light's old house (which is now a monument and museum or something), workers discovered the bunker X had been hibernating in for 200 years. He's activated and everything is okay, he's this really curious kind-hearted being, he wants to help, he wants to learn. They also find his blueprints, and they use these to build more reploids. Scientific advances make it so they can be mass produced and no longer need to incubate for 30-something years. They now live side by side with humans as equals, just like how Light once envisioned and everything is fine. But of course it can't stay that way. It begins small, tiny incidents here and there involving reploids destroying property and causing accidents, but this violence quickly accelerates into something far more serious, and people start dying when these reploids actually start targeting humans with the intention to kill as many as possible. As it turns out, this sudden violent behavior is caused by a virus, a virus that is highly contagious among reploids and corrupts their programming once the infection sets in, turning them into violent murder bots, still intelligent but highly unpredictable. There's no cure, and no one knows where the virus originates from. It's dubbed the Maverick Virus. So in order to protect humanity against both extinction and this rapidly growing threat, governments world wide set up these special divisions within the army where humans and reploids work together to combat these Mavericks. And that's the main setting; Maverick Hunters Headquarters (MHQ). It's this really big place, lots of labs and training fields, barracks and housing. The character I'll be playing is one of the reploids working there as a Hunter. He's a squad commander, leads his own team in battle against Mavericks, and the idea is that your character is the new human mechanic appointed to him and his team. It would mean spending a lot of time together, getting to know each other and learning to trust each other, because my character would be relying on yours a lot, just like yours would be relying on mine. How you fill in the role is entirely up to you of course. Go wild. As for my character, his name is Zero (yeah I know lol, reploids have unusual names). I've written him before so his personality is pretty fleshed out, he has a bad boy attitude and a couple of odd quirks but he's really a big dork and a sweet guy behind his tough Commander persona. A bit of a trouble maker though. Art is mine. [s]His armor is a pain to draw ugh.[/s] [img][/img] [/hider] And that's it! If you see something that interests you, don't hesitate to reply here or shoot me a PM.