[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180509/32daf54056f65032ca1a5752ade3465c.png[/img] [hr][@floodtalon][@Gardevoiran][@Old Amsterdam][/center] "Wow, you really did go the extra mile, huh?" Genevieve thanked him, pulling the drink close to her as she admired the umbrella before having a taste. And she was right, the cocktail was very good. But one couldn't deny the obvious tense feel at their table after Heartless' sudden appearance. They were on edge, and to be honest, it put a little pressure on her. But that's why Heartless' question didn't come as a surprise. After all, he wasn't being friendly only cause of her looks. Certainly not [i]there[/i] out of all places. "Yeah, of course I know them," she looked in their direction, "I don't go chatting up to random strangers." Genevieve then turned her attention to Heartless once more, a playful expression on her face as if to communicate that what he'd done was wrong. But she wasn't lying. She obviously knew the rest of the group, although she was not about to make their interaction take a turn for the worse by giving away their brief history. At the very least, it would put both them and her at a disadvantage. With her hands crossed in front of her on the table, Genevieve leaned forward to take another sip of her drink, the black strands from her wig slowly falling in front of her shoulders. "But honestly, they're good people despite the fact that they seem to want to kill you with their looks as you put it."