[quote=@Zeroth] [@Guy0fV4lor] Calm down there, Zaheer. XD [/quote] I just fell in love over a reference. Fuck. Also, I've read every single OOC post now and will be reading over all the approved CSs and the IC over the next day or two, depending upon time. Is there a race you're lacking in? I was considering a lizard or a rat sheet after seeing there were like 4 pixies and 2 wisps now. I know there's a slime as well (it's crazy how informative the OOC was, though I always skip over CSs that are in the OOC). Also, I can't remember if quotes notify sooooo....[@Zeroth] EDIT: I see 2 lizards and 1 rat, a second slime, plus those mentioned above. I'll be looking to make a rat unless you have a preference, good sir.