[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dJd6okf.jpg[/img][/center] As the eras and rulers passed, lineage falling to new lineage, it became clear to historians and archivists across the realm that Jocun Garland had faced perhaps the single most adverse, and arguably tragic, crises of his family line's rule, and certainly of anything faced by any High Lord since. His fall, shared by the kingdom his bloodline had built, has left a ragged scar on the history of the land and the memories of its people, and it stands as a brutal reminder of the fickle nature of... Well, to this old and aching archivist, everything. Broadly speaking, Jocun was a good king. A little blase, a little lackadaisical perhaps, but good. Certainly too lazy to be malevolent. A lot of discourse about his rule, of course, both in the years during and plenty in the decades since, so you do have to take what you hear with a pinch of salt...but that's not what this record, and the grand tale that it weaves through, is about. This record is about the stalwart band of heroes who pushed back, and nearly - so very nearly - succeeded. Heroes being a subjective term applied a few years after the rubble had been picked up of course. Now, let's see. Where did it all begin...? Ah, yes. Here. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3IAm9n4.jpg[/img][/center] The Stone Blight had been ravaging the nation for four years. It had crept up slowly at first, and many people had mistaken the initial victims for mysterious wonders of nature, chipping off the rubies to smuggle away as private riches...that was before word got around, and people started actually really looking at the faces of the statues. Peering past the rough, cracked surfaces, and seeing the faces of friends, lovers, siblings, parents... then, there was fear and panic and more victims and the palace acknowledged it, whatever it was, as a plague. It got its name in time, as all things do, and after its first year it was known throughout the kingdom regardless, name or none. Four years of research, quarantine, treatment, experimentation...the palace was silent and all attempts had failed thusfar. The desperation was rife, thick in the air. And then, at the turn of the fifth, the palace opened its gates. It began, as it often does, with town criers spreading fresh news. Across the kingdom it was announced to all who would hear that the High Lord was seeking brave and noble volunteers for an oddessey to all corners and cities. The quest would be dangerous, arduous, all-but-destined to fail...but should it succeed, the world would be saved, the cities would not fall, and the volunteers would be lauded as heroes for the rest of their lives. As an incentive, those who heeded the call would be pardoned of all crimes and paid a small boon for the travel. The caravans were to arrive during the following weeks and months, ferrying all back to Vasilius, for a personal audience in the palace. Many of them returned empty, as many found that the risk of contracting the Blight were better chances than the almost certain death of whatever quest the palace would send them on; but there were a few responses - and of course, the valient subjects of our story were among them. From here, their journey can be pieced together via word-of-mouth, hearsay, palace records, city archives, and even some of their personal journals. With the caravans travelling in and out of the city capital across the land, there was a lot of time for recollection and the sharing of rumours and news. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LN9yKnY.jpg[/img][/center] The caravans had delivered their passengers back into Vasilius, who were then decanted and herded into the centre of the city, within the walls of the Garland Citidel itself. They were rested and fed; physicians and magicians made their checks and signed off as to their health; and then, on the morning after, they were escorted by the elite Crownguard itself into the throne room itself at the very core of the palace. There they stood, in audience of High Lord Jocun himself - Queen Vesindra behind his throne tending to their child, and Aborran at his side to advise. Jocun regarded them with an almost weary optimism; a faux hopefulness, put on for show, but not a reflection of his true beliefs. Jocun rose from his throne to address the room. "You brave souls are but the few who have answered my summons. A king should not struggle for volunteers to help save and serve his kingdom, but we live through dark times, and their are not many left who would consider the needs of the many over the needs of their few. Less each passing day..." Jocun trailed off as Aborran leant in to whisper inaudibly in his ear, and then both men straightened again. "You are here because you have agreed, by your very presence, to undertake a journey for the good of the kingdom. You know that the realm is divided, with our cities closing their gates and refusing the palace's envoys; you know that the land is at its most dire hour, with the blight taking scores every week, and marking more. You are here because you want to help, and as your king I applaud you." Jocun paused and sat; Aborran lingered and then went to lean in again, but Jocun waved him away. "Aborran here will mark each of you before you leave - a combination of some advanced scrying and the best resistances we can muster against whatever is causing this blight - and then you are free to pursue your quest as you wish. Aborran will moniter you through your mark - those of you who abandon us will find yourselves held in far less favourable regard than our basest criminal. We ask that you re-open channels with our cities, and discover all you can about the blight. There may be knowledge out there that the palace is not privy too, and we need to know." Jocun gave a weary sigh and leant back, seemingly exhausted by the speech - the gray in his beard and hair seemed more prominent than ever. It was clear that the blight was taking its toll on him personally, as well as his kingdom. [b][i]"Now go. Find what you can. Save our kingdom. And best of luck to you all; this may be the last chance Vassidia gets."[/i][/b]