[b]Cricket[/b]: [i]{Doth the insect?}[/i] Tropical, humid, full to the brim with trees, vines, and all sorts of foliage of exotic type, the jungle was surely a splendid place wasn't it? The cries of animal, normal, warning, dying, all of them blended in with the environment in a diverse yet fitting crescendo that one could appreciate, even int he depths of the wild untamed land. However, one such patch of land was devoid of most of it. Everything about the areas instincts made it so, because what sat there, as unassuming as it was, was incredibly dangerous. A loud crunch could be heard as the creature in question was hunched over slightly and, despite no visible mouth, clearly bit through what looked like an oversized coconut like fruit [i]easily[/i] despite the obviously hard epidermis of the fruit. What it was could be described as strange to say the least. Sharp barbed looking antennas stuck out atop the creatures smooth round head. Likewise round eyes seemed to barely hold any sign of pupil or cornea, mostly oversized bulbous iris' with small black dots in the very center counting as everything else. This hairless head sat atop a thick neck that likewise sat atop a strange segmented looking but held together rigid triangular like torso, the back being oddly smooth with the shoulders sticking out almost like some makeshift armor. On this torso were jointed but malleable somewhat lithe looking arms that bore three sharp fingered (thumb pinky and middle finger) hands, and below the waist line sat likewise smooth jointed lithe legs with two toed feet. Everything on the creature looked, most likely felt moist, and had a strange quality to it that almost seemed like an exoskeleton but, perhaps due to its palish white-liquidy color one could [i]literally see, to a certain depth, into the creature[/i] and clearly see an inner skeletal structure, compacted with muscles, organs, and all! Thus was Cricket, the 5'9 [i]Volucris Desultor[/i] a rarity even in its home world but a deceptively powerful insect like creature! Despite this, for the most part the creature was solitary, honestly friendly to most that approached it without instigating any harmful sort of actions (or if it was given the variety of foods it could eat). Minding its own, alone and eating, left to itself by the forest and its occupants, Crickets head stretched forward a bit, its current stance, fruit in hand, being something that could only be described as a 'Spider-Man crouched on all limbs' stance. "...[i]Chirp[/i]!" Fallowed by a simple random call from a creature that apparently didnt have a mouth but could eat. Such was the way with Dumb Animals, especially insects that stood on two feet! [@Griffintaur]