[hider=Kyrennos][center][h1][b]Free State of Kyrennos[/b][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/5c/e5/c8/5ce5c802d22acd04661968c4731d81e6.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Alternative Names:[/b] Kyrennopolis, Kyrennes Commonwealth or just Kyrennos. [b]Demonym:[/b] Kyrenno (m.,n.), Kyrenne (f.) or Kyrennoi (pl. or gen.) - mostly exclusive to citizen [b]Dominant Species:[/b] Centaurs (they refer to themselves as Yppolo, Yppoloi for plural) [h2][b]Territory Overview:[/b][/h2][hider=Map Claim - Dark Blue] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kNVQIJL.png[/img] [/hider][hider=Internal Map --- TBA] TBA [/hider] [h2][b]Nation Overview:[/b][/h2]Kyrennopolis (back then called as Arioce) used to be nothing a small fishing town and part of a human kingdom long forgotten. This changed when the kingdom came under attack by the distant lands of Kenteiros. Using it as their main port Emperor Aetion turned the small town into a flourishing city named Ariopolis. After the conquest of kingdom the territory became a crown jewel to the Empire, often managed by the royal heir. Ariopolis became small yet rich province thanks to the trade incomes, turning more and more extravagant with each successive ruler. Under Empress Melanctene the city (and the entire territory) was renamed Kyrennopolis (city of sovereignty) and she even considered turning it to the new capital of Kenteiros. Yet disasters struck the Empire and after a line of inept rulers came the dominance of the infamous Emperor Abikenos. His reign of terror led to a massive civil war and Kenteiros invaded and split into many parts. At the same time Kyrennopolis had enough and murdered their governor while declaring their independence. Tired of monarchies and fearful of the rise of a new tyrant they form a democratic government ruled by none but the direct will of all citizens. Being the center of culture even before the Empire's fall they've redoubled their focus on art, thought and knowledge. Hundreds of scholars leave the city each year in search for knowledge and to spread their wisedom through the world. The Kyrennoi University, one of the world's first, is well-renowned and students can attend from all races and nations. While most centaurs chose to live as nomadic savages the Kyrennoi are better recognized as teachers, priests and scholars with their philosophies influencing thinkers throughout the subcontinent. Kyrennopolis is at times called the capital of free thinkers yet when referring to the country as a whole the situation is different. Democracy only involves the free and wealthy citizens of Kyrennopolis and nobody else. They themselves form a rich elite. Because following the old Kenteiros traditions slavery and oppression are rather common. Kallos are a goblin-like diminutive race who follow Kyrennosians wherever they go. That is because they are effectively their slaves, born for serving the centaurs. Being large half man and half horse creatures there are certain tasks they'd find difficult or impossible. As such before even the formation of Kenteiros they managed to enslave a weak race who would not resist them, the Kallosi. Since then these small humanoid creatures accompany the centaurs as servants. In spite of that they are rarely unhappy with their circumstances and they are treated relatively well. Aside from them Kyrennopolis also practices debt slavery and enslaving their defeated. Non-citizens and especially non-centaur populations in general are also treated as secondary countrymen. Territories outside the city have their own small governments that are subservient to the Kyrennopolis leadership. In this sense anywhere but in the city people still experience monarchic rule, only replacing the authority of one person with that of a whole city. Aside from local militia the army and warfleets of Kyrennos are both under central control with citizenry at their core. For people of such reputation of enlightenment Kyrennoi are quite militant and would not hesitate to wage war when it serves their interest. When waging war is necessary the Demos appoints a Strategos and their cadre of military officials to lead the army albeit at times of turmoil it isn't rare for such titles to be retained even during relative peacetime. Demographics wise Kyrennos is rather diverse. Kyrennopolis is chiefly populated by centaurs and their Kallosi attendants. Rural villages and towns are mostly inhabited by humans albeit albeit centaurs are also common. The central lands were used to be swamps filled with various swamp beasts. Since then large scale irrigation networks built by the Empire while making a deal with the Sauros (lizardmen), one of the more civilized aquatic beasts. The lizardmen communities gradually forced the other beasts out from their now changed environment and can be practically considered a collection of tiny countries subjected to Kyrennos. Up North are wildlands where the law only has limited hold. This territory is dominated by centaurs who chose a more free but also savage lifestyle. [/hider]