[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ H I S T O R Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][b]C A T A L Y S T || [i]1967 - 1984 CE[/i][/b][/COLOR] [INDENT][i]On October 18, 1967, Earth was hit with an immense Coronal Mass Ejection. During a total Lunar Eclipse, the sun emitted a massive interplanetary CME which doused the entire globe with high energy particles causing the largest and brightest occurrence of the aurorae ever recorded. Unfortunately this also brought a geomagnetic storm which ravaged Earth’s electrical transmission lines, causing power outages on a global scale. It was on this day that the Earth nearly stood still, sitting in total darkness for nearly ten minutes before back up systems began to re-activate. Numerous regions around the globe were left in the dark well beyond that. Cities were powerless for nearly a week while some rural areas were forced to survive for nearly a month without power. This event left a death toll numbering in the tens of thousands becoming known as the Dark Eclipse. However the aftermath of the Dark Eclipse reached far further than anyone could have ever anticipated. The resulting effect of the high energy particles is a mutation appearing in one person of every million people. While public knowledge of the mutation remains vague, selected sects in the scientific community are aware of it and have dubbed the emergence of the mutation ‘Viriumosis’. In more common jargon, the possession of a mutation is referred to as the ‘Hype-Factor’ or ‘Hype-Gene’. Collectively, these mutants are referred to as ‘Hyperhumans’.[/i][/indent] [COLOR=SILVER][b]E M E R G E N C E || [i]1985 - 1999 CE[/i][/b][/COLOR] [indent][i]As the Cold War came to a close, humanity’s attention was turned to a new threat. One that was already in their homes, teaching their children and running their governments. As word of Hyperhumans became public knowledge a perpetual state of fear and paranoia took hold of the world. Neighbor was turned against neighbor and mother against child as humanity’s pattern of fearing that which they didn’t understand continued. Propaganda against Hyperhumans was widespread especially in North America. Laws were passed that prohibited Hyperhumans from positions of authority on suspicion of using their abilities to gain an advantage. Athletes and other competition driven professions were heavily screened. Although there were those who chose to use Hyperhumans to their own advantage and more than one man or woman desperate to make a living allowed themselves to be drawn into the shadier side of things. Activism and social conscious was pushed to an all time high during this period as people fought to be treated as equals no matter their colour, sexuality and abilities. Technology took leaps and bounds during this period as Hyperhumans with more subtle abilities were able to integrate into society and excel through their education and in their careers.[/i][/indent] [COLOR=SILVER][b]V I G I L A N C E || [i]2000 CE - Present[/i][/b][/COLOR] [indent][i]Due to the emergence of Hyperhumans during the late 80’s, technology advanced at a rapid rate. The majority of Earth’s power is based upon nuclear fusion with coal based energy completely phased out greatly reducing the amount of pollution present in Earth’s atmosphere. Roughly sixty-five percent of power is supplied by nuclear fusion while other clean energy make up the remaining thirty-five percent. Solar power makes up the majority of the secondary energy sources clocking in at twenty-five percent while wind makes up only five percent. The last five percent of energy sources is mixed between nuclear fission, hydroelectric and geothermal power. Other advances in technology are rather notable among society. As of 2010, three dimensional screens or holographic displays have become commonplace among consumer homes while the self-driving car has been made available to the public market as of 2015. Despite the original fear of Hyperhumans, advances in both law and peace keeping technology has thus far kept any major superpowered crime at bay. Robotic K9 units along with autonomous patrol cars and synthetic officers have become the standard especially among large cities.[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ B A C K G R O U N D:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ H Y P E R H U M A N || [i]Homo-Virium[/i][/COLOR][/B] [INDENT][I]Hyperhumans are humans who have undergone Viriumosis thus leading to the creation of a ‘Hype-Gene’ and development of extranormal abilities. Viriumosis occurs when the high energy particles create an insertion and add one or more extra nucleotides into the host DNA. As insertions in the coding region of a gene may alter splicing of the mRNA, or cause a shift in the reading frame, this almost always leads to a significant alteration in the gene product. These alterations lead to a wide variety of effects which are often looked upon as super-human abilities. While Viriumosis was only able to occur in the individuals who were alive during the Dark Eclipse, the Hype-Gene is able to be passed along through reproduction. This is a cumulative result of high energy particles stored within the donating parent's chromosomes. A portion of these particles are replicated and passed along to through genetic material resulting in the offspring going through Viriumosis in utero. Naturally this leads to the creation of the 'Hype-Gene' in the offspring allowing them to display abilities akin to those of their parent(s). That said, a human born without a 'Hype-Gene' will not display Hyperhuman abilities unless subjected to Viriumosis. However due to the constraints of technology, there is no way to artificially replicate the process which created the ‘Hype-Gene’. The 'Hype-Gene' isn't exclusively carried within either sex but is a dominant gene within both ensuring that the child of a Hyperhuman will indeed be one themselves. Due to a lack of willing subjects, there are no studies as to whether powers levels are greater or equal within children who have two Hyperhuman parents compared to those who only have one. Hyperhuman abilities are incredibly diverse and more often than not allow the host to accomplish superhuman abilities. When a Hyperhuman is born, they have an unlimited potential as to what abilities they will develop. Hyperhuman abilities are not predetermined by parents but instead are developed during puberty in the majority of hosts. However those who go through trauma at a younger age may prematurely develop their abilities. Environment and circumstance surrounding the time of ability development will contribute to determining the host’s abilities. Due to the nature of Viriumosis, Hyperhuman abilities are closely linked to Earth’s Electromagnetic Spheres and could be considered to be powered through it. The more of these 'Hyperhumans' that are in close proximity, the weaker they become as they fight to draw from the same EM spheres. Many of these 'Hyperhumans' live their lives without knowing about their abilities, a few odd occurrences happening in times of heightened adrenaline. But there are the few who learn to embrace their nature and use their abilities to accomplish extraordinary feats.[/I][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]