[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gNGwDjQ.png[/img] [COLOR=silver][sup][b]Empire of Stone | Jonin | Squad Three[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=silver][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Late Morning[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]The New Continent - Unknown[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [i][@GlitchyBugger][@Kheliop][@Ganryu][/i][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] Jinzo coughed a few times to clear his lungs as the dust settled around both him and Boshu. The fall hadn't been a massive one, but he was definitely caught unawares by it. Not to mention the fact that he'd landed awkwardly on his left hip, making any immediate movement somewhat painful as his body's nervous system protested against Jinzo's apparent lack of care for its well being. There would almost certainly be a bruise but he could tell that would be the worst of it. [color=black][i]'Nothing to really complain about then.'[/i][/color] He thought to himself, wincing slightly as he pushed himself to his feet. Once he'd finally regained his composure, Jinzo looked around for his team mate who had actually already recovered and was checking out their new surroundings, which included shouting up at the hole they'd made in the ceiling. Miyu and Kinzo were still in the tunnel it seemed. He was still regaining his bearings when Boshu mentioned something about their target. That was when he finally decided to take out his own PDA for the first time. He was met with the disappointing sight of several cracks spiderwebbed across the glass screen. [color=black][b]"Well, shit."[/b][/color] He said aloud. [color=coral][b]"Everyone, when you're ready follow me. I'm going to take a look up there, where our mark seems to be, be wary of any signs of movement."[/b][/color] Whilst Jinzo was lamenting the damage to his newly issued PDA, Boshu appeared to have found their target located in what seemed like a large control room overlooking the entire space they were now in. Looking around, he could see various platforms and strange, locomotive machines, similar to the trains they had back home but noticeably different in design. Piecing together all of the bits of information in his mind, Jinzo quickly deduced that this was some kind of terminal; a singular meeting point for several trains to congregate to allow for easier travel to other places that were unreachable on one set of tracks. He'd seen one before on a mission in the capital city of Sunagakure. Satisfied with the room, Jinzo followed behind Boshu silently, making his way up the metallic steps just as she had, his right hand laid cautiously on one of his many kunai he kept hidden on his person. Stepping in the room behind his comrade, Jinzo was met with a bright, flashing light and a some sort of systems control panel. He recalled the broken screen of his PDA, technology wasn't really his forte apparently. [color=black][b]"My PDA is out of commission it would seem."[/b][/color] He stated, somewhat annoyed. [color=black][b]"You can thank the fall for that. A such, I don't think I should be the one to touch the computer."[/b][/color] Besides, now that they'd located the tracking bug, Jinzo's attention was drawn towards the sufficiently large hole in one of the doors through which one of the many rows of tracks ran. He regarded it through the tinted-glass window of the control room. It had definitely been forced open from the inside, though he was unable to see any clear signs of an explosion. Whatever had created the hole had to have been quite monstrous to be able to cause that much damage to a metallic structure of that size, not to mention the thickness. Peering around the vast terminal, he could see all the other doors remained closed and relatively untouched. Whatever had broken through was definitely being kept in here, or so he deduced. Another tremor kicked his reflexes into overdrive. Jinzo crouched slightly, reducing his center of gravity and bracing himself for whatever came next. He noticed Boshu preparing herself for a fight too. Her readiness matching his own made him feel more at ease with their current situation. The earlier throbbing pain in his hip had died down to a faint burning sensation, his body already starting to produce adrenaline. [color=coral][b]"If we can, I want to trap anything that comes for us. How quickly do you think your mirror will fully deploy, based on your test earlier?"[/b][/color] It would seem that she was on the same wavelength as he. It felt like something was approaching, something big. [color=black][b]"Not quick enough, if I'm correct in imagining the size of this thing."[/b][/color] He responded at first, then continued, [color=black][b]"I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the lack of natural energy in this place, but my jutsu definitely seems to hindered by something. If we're going for containing, however, I might have something better in mind than my mirror but I'll need time in order to cast the jutsu."[/b][/color]