Vegeta was silent for a moment staring at Kinoko as she explained herself, he closed his eyes seeming to understand what was going on right now. His eyes narrowed a bit and he mumbled 'Kakarot' under his breath. He had said that to Kinoko's face while he was there, he looked back at Kinoko and reaching forward gripped the front of her clothes with his hand. It was unknown why he did this until it came without any kind of warning, his fist slammed into Kinoko's stomach with far more speed and force than any of usual attacks, it happened in what felt like milliseconds and the force of it would easily kill a normal human. This was how he hit enemies, how he hit Kakarot and if not for the fact he had gripped her clothes she more than likely would have been flying. Vegeta released her and took a step back, he hadn't changed into a Super Saiyan but it felt like he had hit her full force in his second transformation at least, it showed how much he had been holding back and he stared at Kinoko crossing his arms over his chest. "If I went all out from the very beginning you'd be a stain on the floor by now Kinoko. The last thing I need from a survivor of my blood." Vegeta turned his back to her and started walking away. "I don't know what you expected from this, but hopefully you know your limits now. Don't speak so lightly about training against me, I'll stop pulling back when you're worth the effort."