[center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/8eb3/f/2014/027/d/4/lady_of_the_knight_by_nathanparkart-d733esj.jpg[/img] [color=#990000][b]X X X[/b][/color][h3][color=#990000][u] A D R I A N N A C O R V E L L O [/u][/color] [sup][sup][color=#990000]{{ FEMALE [b]||[/b] 24 }}[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][/center] [color=#990000][sub][u][b] A P P E A R E N C E [/b][/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=#d6d6d6]Short, but not significantly so. Her hair is never kempt and is oft pulled back. Though subtle features would lead one to believe she is a soft, caring person, the burning fire in her eyes betrays a far harsher reality. Her grace is only skin deep. She still dresses as if she lived the once-lavish lifestyle of her past, failing to conceal her wealthy upbringing. She appears outcast both from the world around her and the one behind her. Though not yet fully cognizant of this fact, she wears many pieces of her armor even day to day, always ready for a fight that might come he way.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=#990000][sub][u][b] B I O G R A P H Y [/b][/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=#d6d6d6]Adrianna is the firstborn daughter of House Corvello, a lordship under the Vahkanite Imperium. A son followed years later and only a year beyond that, twin boys. Her eldest brother is still four years her minor. Despite this, he is to inherit the family’s lands. In all her studies and her fight training and her grooming to be a baroness herself, she was always told that it was the firstborn who would inherit the land. Nowhere was it stated it must be a son. She knew in all the lordships of the empire that the daughters were married off, yet Adrianna persisted with the intent to be a Baroness herself, not a trophy. The inevitable failure was not for lack of effort; her parents did try. They found themselves however in a predicament as House Corvello was not in need of any diplomatic marriages. Adrianna knew this from her studies of current politics. She proved to be “quite the handful” as one suitor put it. Her hand was offered to three men from other houses. Her eagerness & tact for governance was often considered as ‘overbearing’ from the men who merely wanted a simple wife. She famously once retorted “I am a warrior and a diplomat, not some simple housewife to a spoiled man-child,” arguing with her mother over why she continued to reject marriage. Though Adrianna had evaded attempts to marry her off, her father Durian Corvello - ever the traditionalist - still decided it must be the eldest son who ascends to power. At first she was shocked and could not believe that he would deny her perceived birthright from her. Over time her disbelief turned into cynicism and disgust that she was to be barred from having what was hers by right. She was constantly angry at her brothers for being given the golden spoon – at her expense nonetheless – while she had worked her whole life preparing to run the lordship with the prowess of a veteran. In her aggravation and vulnerability, Kassandra preyed on her mind, leading her away from a righteous revenge and towards pure, unrestrained rage. Her father and eldest brother became the point of her fixation as it grew dangerously more violent. She grew excessively brutal during sparring, holding back none of her pent up rage against her father. Hushed whispers among the servants spread through the palace, believing she would snap any day. Some suspected she would kill her own father when she did, while others bet that she would lead the First Company on some crazy quest in her delusion. When she did snap, it was just as fierce as could be expected, and about as damaging. She kicked in the doors of the throne room intent on challenging her own father to an honor duel for control over the lordship. Durian would not stand for his own child to dare challenge his authority, and called upon the guardsmen to remove her. As expected, she took exceptionally poorly to the refusal, severely injuring several in the ensuing melee. She beat down nearly a dozen well-trained soldiers before she was finally cornered and forced from the room. In seething rage she took what she could, stole a horse, [i]set fire to the stables at the same time,[/i] and rode off towards Gods know where, hell-bent on taking back 'her' lordship by force.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=#990000][sub][u][b] S K I L L S [/b][/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][b][color=#990000]X Strongarm Diplomacy[/color][/b] [indent][color=#d6d6d6]Adrianna is used to getting her way, even if ... [i]especially if[/i] that involves twisting someone's arm behind their back with a white smile and a silver tongue. She is studied in the arts of diplomacy, in her own flavor as always from her tenacity. She's not above making enemies of people if it means getting what she wants. Leverage is infinitely more powerful than goodwill.[/color][/indent] [b][color=#990000]X Speed Fighter[/color][/b] [indent][color=#d6d6d6]Adrianna is formally trained to strike often and strike fast, whether by fist or by blade. Her teaching covered a variety of weapon styles, such that if it's light enough and sharp enough, she can be dangerous with it. Though she carries a rather unique blade of her own, her skill set ensures that she is almost never truly without a weapon. Any enemy's sword can potentially become her own blade in an instant.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=#990000][sub][u][b] W E A P O N S [/b][/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][b][color=#990000]X [url=https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59aa8bee197aea4ad67f52ae/59aac377f9a61e6ef11638cf/59ac95d5bebafb8981e7dd7d/1504482775366/svardstaf.png]Svardstav[/url][/color][/b] [indent][color=#d6d6d6]A norse bladed staff (literally: sword-staff) with a fourteen inch double-edged steel blade on one end. The weapon caters to her speed-fighting skill and helps keep distance over an opponent, mitigating her moderate frailty.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][b][color=#990000]X [url=https://cdn7.bigcommerce.com/s-blqh8ck/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/2153/9585/M-8088-6BK__04129.1500852519.jpg]Throwing Knives[/url][/color][/b] [indent][color=#d6d6d6]An eight-piece set of nine inch throwing knives. Though she finds them of limited usefulness presently - as she is not practiced at throwing knives at all - she carries them anyway, practicing the skill when she can. When supplemented with aetheric powers, the knives act less like thrown objects and more like guided missiles, seemingly flying with a mind of their own by Adrianna's distant hand.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=#990000][u] K A S S A N D R A M A L I S T A R E [/u][/color] [sup][sup][color=#990000]{{ FEMALE }}[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][/center] [color=#990000][sub][u][b] T O T E M [/b][/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=#d6d6d6]Small turquoise pendant, strung on a black ribbon worn around Adrianna's neck.[/color] [indent][img]http://images.silverisland2007.co.uk/Medium_16691.jpg[/img][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=#990000][sub][u][b] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/b][/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=#d6d6d6]To call Kassandra Malistare anything short of psychopathic would be a disservice. She derives sick pleasure not just from killing, but from doing so slowly and personally. Even among the Legion her twisted tortures were sometimes considered excessive. Some of them even believed that it was that bloodlust that led them to ruin, that it did nothing to bring them closer to their goals. The dark aether they channeled, the Dark Gods they served, the powers of Hell they commanded, all of it thrives on lust and rage and pain and its influence is corrupting. Several of the Legionnaires came around to similar affinities for violence and slaughter, taking whatever they wanted and cutting down anyone in their way. The Legionnaires who resisted were ultimately right - that their obsession led them to failure for seeking war itself rather than seeking an ultimate victory - but it was those who embraced the inner darkness that grew the strongest. Adrianna likes to think she's above that level of sadism, though Kassandra chose her for a reason. She sees the same potential for darkness in Adrianna that led her down this path. Her lust for power drives her to corrupt another soul, preying on Adi's desire for a crown of her own. Adrianna fights against her influence some of the time, both out of an arrogance she is better, but also partially out of the fear that she isn't.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=#990000][sub][u][b] S K I L L S [/b][/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][b][color=#990000]X Projectile Levitation[/color][/b] [indent][color=#d6d6d6]Kassandra herself carried a set of throwing daggers in her day. It was by her compulsion that Adrianna carries them as well. Though not strictly requiring the knives - rocks off the ground will do in a bind - she prefers the surgical precision of a few sharp blades. Her manipulation of the knives is lethally precise, turning them into deadly ranged, chain attacks.[/color][/indent] [b][color=#990000]X Fade[/color][/b] [indent][color=#d6d6d6]To better utilize her smallish weapons against swords and pikes, Kassandra honed the skill of fading: ceasing to exist in one location and coming to exist in another. The distance she can travel is not infinite, requiring both sight on end position, and a path (though not necessarily a path large enough for a human; any crevice can do).[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=#990000][sub][u][b] O T H E R [/b][/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][b][color=990000]X Unfair Fight[/color][/b] [indent][color=#d6d6d6]Kassandra thrives on fighting outnumbered. Her own arrogance in her skills - albeit not typically unwarranted - compels her to ruthlessly cut down whole regiments at once rather than picking a more intelligent, favorable battle.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]