"Ready as ever!" Without hesitation Flynn pushes the button on the small detonator, resulting in a circular explosion on the northern wall. After the smoke clears, the wall is still standing surprisingly enough. Flynn scratches his beard in confusion and takes a step closer to the wall. "I was certain this was going to be eno-..." He stops as he touches the wall, which, with that last little push starts falling backwards, revealing the bridge and it's occupants. Flynn immediately darts forward and pushes himself against some cover. A retaliation doesn't take long as his cover is being pelted by several guns. "Get to cover, Will!" he manages to yell above the cacophony of gunfire. A familiar is heard above the loud sounds as well. "You two couldn't just give up quietly. Noooooo, you two had to be all heroic and resist. Well, now you get to see when you mess with Captain Scargh Ferix! Hahaha!"