I'ma throw my interest in this! [hider=Questions!] 1. Discord or no for conversations that don't require a lot of extra writing between naritive? Discord's great for this! 2. Space and aliens sci-f, High Fantasy world wide adventure, or horror, death, and suspense? High fantasy, worldwide adventure, and suspense 3. Preferences of Combat, Exploration, Role-playing, Moral Dilimas, Puzzle/Traps, Crime, Murder Hoboing, Meta-Gameing, Power Gaming, Politics, and War/Nations. Just list your favorite 3 or 4, and maybe give me some insight as to why. Exploration and moral dilemmas: because these are great for character development. I know that isn't the goal of the RP but, character development is awesome still! Politics: fits right in with the above statement. Role-playing; because well... D&D right? 4. How active do you like NPCs to be? Do you like having them in the party or at least strong enough to survive following the party, or do you prefer them to stay on the side lines so the PCs can enjoy all glory? Maybe a mix? Why? NPCs are fun so long as they don't take away from the adventure or overshadow the main group. One or two would be awesome, more would be a bit confusing tbh 5. Bigger or smaller groups? Somewhere in the middle 6. Homebrew cool? Homebrew is great! [/hider]