[@CriticalHit] Accepted! [quote=The Demon King] [color=red]Aha! I KNEW one of these souls had to be from this..."glorious nippon!" They're the ones who created most of these stories I had to use to explain this whole reincarnation thing to begin with! I hope you're one of the ones who manages to make it to my palace without getting terribly traumatized, because I have so many things to ask you! Like this enslavement device called a "gacha!" Skill Gain: Scribe I - Your past life as a writer has given you the gift of transforming emotion, sight, sound, and so many others into words. And words have power all their own. This skill's current rank allows the user to take any spell that they know, and inscribe it upon an object. That item can be used to release the spell at any time and by anyone. The same MP cost of the spell, plus the MP cost of this skill, is used up when enchanting the item.[/color] [/quote] [@floodtalon] Wisps are "magically" focused, so their evolutions include things like elemental spirits, ghostly or otherwise spectral creatures, and other various creatures whose primary skillsets revolve around spellcasting. At end game a Wisp that stayed entirely focused on magic would probably be some kind of non-physical or otherwise amorphous being akin to some Lovecraftian being. A Wisp that might eventually try to gain some physical skills might end up as some kind of magical focused being with a physical body, like an archangel or archdevil. If they stuck to one element they might end up as a titan, archon, or some other metaphysical representation of that particular element. [@Old Amsterdam] Accepted! [quote=The Demon King] [color=red]Ah, a street rat. Couldn't keep one step ahead of the bread line, eh? And yet you lived in a world where the government would step in and play nanny--how did you manage to stay on the streets? Even if it was fake, or run by bureaucrats instead of loving parents, shouldn't you have had a household somewhere? Doesn't that world force its children to sit in a desk for eight hours a day? How did you manage to get in such trouble, then? It couldn't be because you wanted to hang out with thugs and addicts, with the rest of the refuse, could it? Or did they drag you down, like a bucket of crabs? Was it always someone else's fault? Were you just a good little girl who didn't do nothin'? Skill Gain: Muffle I - Your past as a street urchin grants you experience with keeping your head down. This skill grants you the ability to be just a little bit better at being stealthy.[/color] [/quote]