[@Gardevoiran] Accepted! [quote=The Demon King] [color=red]Pft! You call that dark? Sure, it's "eeeveeel," but come on! Skulls in the bedroom, dead bodies in the back room, shallow graves in the yard? There's no class, no finesse. I could make a little boy watch as I put his beloved father on a meathook, cut open his guts, and let his intestines dangle until he bleeds out. It's plenty fucked up, but does it have [i]depth[/i]? Will it strike a chord somewhere in you, will it make you question everything you've ever known? Anyone can be a psychopath--now a [i]sociopath[/i], there's a bit of an art to that. Did you know sociopaths aren't automatically evil serial killers? They could have a good job, a happy life, a loving family, they could even live next door to you! No, the thing is, they don't feel they way you do and they recognize that...so they just perfectly imitate everyone else around them, so that you will never know. And sometimes people like that are the good guys! Like that priest over there, the one with no light in his eyes, eating the spicy Chinese food! I bet he wouldn't hurt a fly! Or maybe he has an entire basement full of starved children! Either way, [i]you will never be sure[/i]! Skill Gain: Tremor Sense I - Your past life as one in tune with your Dwarven side makes you very good at diggy diggy. One part of that, though, is knowing how to avoid cave-ins. You can feel vibrations through the earth within a 30 foot radius or so around you, whether they be footsteps, tunneling creatures, etc.[/color] [/quote] [@Legion02] Accepted! [quote=The Demon King] [color=red]A follower of the occult? But you still have your soul. Can't do magic in your world with that still hanging around. And having it is the whole reason I could bring you here. In my world magic doesn't require making a deal, but in both our worlds it requires this: Sacrifice. What are you willing to give up, boy? You want control over others? You want the power to change things? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Expect to bleed, and cry, and howl, child. Skill Gain: Extra MP - Your past as an attempted practitioner of magic still serves some purpose here, even if you never gained any real power. You have extra magical energy buzzing in your body, though at this level it's only enough to cast a single extra level one spell.[/color][/quote]