I just realized I'd never included a description field, so I updated that.[hr] [@Lmpkio] I had no idea that God of War was so damn well-acted! 1) I've claimed Emperor Palpatine. An Emperor Palpatine? Whichever. Please don't use Palpatine. Beyond him, I'd rather players weren't in league with the enemy, at least not yet. It's open world, but games like this tend to fall apart a bit when you split the party. 2) OC's are absolutely welcome! 3) Don't break the game, and try not to make other players redundant. I put some general guidelines in "How to Apply: 0. A note on power balance"; best practice: if you feel like something might be overpowered, balance it out with a disadvantage. In a past life, I participated in a similar RP that died because someone started arguing vehemently against the feasibility of transforming mechs vs role-specialized fighters. It's not a winnable argument from either position. Anyway, to avoid a repeat of that debacle, I'm going to say, ahead of time, mechs are jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none. Can a mech mount missiles and also attach itself to something to use a giant sword? Yes. Will the mech carry as many missiles of the same caliber when compared to a dedicated missile fighter? No. TL;DR: sure, mechs can be a thing, but they won't be as good at any individual task as a dedicated fighter [@Burning Kitty] Ah, yeah, that would work. Useless fluff is definitely optional. Everything is optional except for the section labeled "[b]REQUIRED:[/B]" Role is exactly that. Yep - the individual character sheets are shorter since you also have to fill out an entire ship's sheet. Don't let that limit you if you'd like to add more detail, though.