[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5UbUYwZFhKbElHOTFkQ0J2WmlCamIyNTBjbTlzLjA,/bebas-centipede.regular.png[/img] [/center] [@Hillan] [@Aeolian] [@Reflection] [@Syn] A brief glance around the lobby would reveal nothing new as the group got their bearings, though Erika's insight into the dome's inhabitants would certainly be something to worry about. Eita's decision-making in splitting the team into two and having both areas searched at once would prove to cut down on how long it would take to search the entire facility, a smart call for the sake of time-saving for sure as time was an uncertain resource. Each pair would venture off on their own to discover whatever each section had for them to discover, for better or for worse. [hider=Residential Etia and Tapo] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-P6c_ksz6M[/youtube] Compared to the staleness of the air in the lobby, where everything felt cold and bland, the residential area immediately seemed much warmer and fresher than what could be expected based on the appearance of the lobby. [img]http://www.destinasian.com/travel/wp-content/uploads/PDT-Hong-Kong-at-The-Landmark-Mandarin-Oriental-Interior-665x352.jpg[/img] The first thing that graced Eita and Tapo's eyes with a surprise would be the decor of what appeared to be a bar none too dissimilar to one they'd find at home, they'd just walked into the residential section and whilst there was a thin layer of dust across all the surfaces the room still felt like it had a lot of life to it. There were even old bottles of alcohol, some still half-full, lining the back wall of the bar itself. The language on the bottles was similar to their own language, but just foreign enough that trying to read it as though it was their language would lead to confusing strings of letters that didn't make much sense. There was a door behind the bar with a porthole style window, gazing through it would reveal a kitchen that had likely seen a lot of use until this place was abandoned. At the other end of the room stood another door, this one as simple as every other door they'd come across which would lead into a collection of 30 identical dormitory rooms. All furnished with a wooden desk, soft carpet flooring and a wood-frame bed, it may not have been true luxury but it was certainly comfortable. If the two investigated enough they would eventually discover the remains of a book entitled "Yamamoto Norisuke", some of the pages were completely illegible due to the shoddy handwriting whilst a couple would actually make sense after enough study due to the similarities in their own language and that of this new continent's. The dates were barely legible, but presuming it followed the same system as theirs, the first seemed to date back roughly three years ago yet they couldn't make heads or tails of what it said. Instead they would have to settle for the first one that was actually legible, which was about a year ago. [quote]We've all been tasked to keep summarised logs of our daily activities in the lab and with the fauna we're working to preserve that is submitted to the City on a weekly basis, apparently in order for the Council to know how things are progressing and to determine when we'll be able to make access to the reserve available for the public to visit. Their request for these logs has inspired me to start writing things down in this journal, such as any concerns or thoughts I have that I don't believe I can share with my colleagues. Personally I think it's because they don't trust us to reliably do our jobs no matter how hard they make it for us to keep the population numbers of each animal out here even with such a wide variety of prey and predator species inter-mingled. Some of them have begun to adapt based on their circumstances but others seem to be adamant to remain as they are and cause us trouble.[/quote] The next readable page started with a name that would be on everyone's radar, no doubt. [quote]Nori Kinsei, a man I never thought I'd have the privilege to meet, visited today and said he will be staying with us for a few weeks to help us with our daily duties as a man of science as a form of reward for all the hard work we've put into keeping the reservation functioning. And despite this good news I can't help but feel concerned, the dome has been struggling lately to keep the land inside it's confines properly protected against the degrading effect that has been plaguing the world outside of it for so long. We've recently noticed this at the furthest reaches of the dome in relation to the position of this research building and currently the only explanation is that the dome is starting to fail. We've looked into every possible aspect we can in order to slow the degradation and have been successful so far in slowing it down, but we've not been able to stop or reverse it's effects. Currently the status of all the species we have here appears to suggest that they're healthy and safe for now. I'm more worried for the animals we're looking after, but Kinsei has assured the rest of the staff that he has an idea on how to ensure the animals will be able to survive even if the entire dome were to fail.[/quote] A lot of the pages from here on out were impossible to read, but there were certain words, such as "accident", "mutation" and "quarantine" that became more and more prevalent as the days went by. Up until what could be a few months ago where his writings were once again understandable. [quote]The Quarantined subjects have shown little change since the early days, some of them don't even look like their original species anymore so we have to keep them in the quarantine wing indefinitely. I'd prefer if we put the poor things out of their misery. The only ones that seem to have mutated without looking abhorrent were the bird species we have housed in quarantine and something that was once a snake but has long since grown to the point where we're not sure if it's actually safe to contain anymore. Speaking of that thing... one of my colleagues, Zhu Kadokawa, wanted to name it after his daughter Daisuke and he said he had a good feeling about going into it's quarantine enclosure himself to start hand-feeding it. Earlier today it ate Zhu, he's the first fatality we've incurred since these mutations began, not the first casualty though. We're not calling that thing Daisuke, that I'm sure of.[/quote] The next legible entry was of the following day. [quote]They called it Daisuke, I don't understand why but everyone agreed that it suited the thing. They all say that now seeing it makes them think of Zhu, so it was a worthy homage. I can't understand these maniacs any more, it's as if I'm the only one who has a grudge against that creature for eating our colleague.[/quote] The last entry was written in such a way that it looked like Yamamoto was having a hard time controlling his writing hand, so only a few words could really be made out amongst the mess of ink, there was no date here, he either didn't have the time or he didn't care enough to write it down. [quote]Been bitten medicine seems to quarantine useless, released into reserve leaving[/quote] [/hider] [hider=Laboratory Erika and Shizuka] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPXfLOi6qAQ[/youtube] [img]http://www.tmisystems.com.ws046.alentus.com/images/laboratory/large/ResearchLabScheringPlough.jpg[/img] Erika and Shizuka would be heading into the laboratory, the doors swinging open effortlessly and smoothly swinging shut once more after they passed through, there was a sense of cleanliness to the entire room despite the dust that had begun gathering on the worktops. There was a distinct lack of documentation around aside from a few stray charts that detailed goodness knows what information as the language was difficult to understand regardless of any similarities it had with their own. With enough time they would probably have a loose grasp of what it all said, but as before time wasn't an endless resource right now. What would truly catch their eye though would be a set of doors down at the far end of the room with the standard black and yellow hazard stripes lining it's edges, they could most certainly open it if they wished, with no power in the building any more these doors would open with little resistance, sliding across into the space designated for them in the surrounding walls. And inside were several reinforced chambers, with clear doors on one side and apparently access to the reserve on the other. Whilst the hazard door would be easy to open these reinforced access doors wouldn't budge for anything, and taking into mind what was on the other side of these chambers... The pair wouldn't want to open those doors either. Careful inspection through the glass of the chambers would let them see bizarre seals of some origin on the floor of each chamber, all probably identical but what would they know? If there were any decent idea of what these things looked like, it could be comparable to a bunch of monkeys fighting underwater, a completely unreasonable example, but accurate at the least. Surprisingly there was plenty to find in here, a green box on the wall with a thin glass panel that looked easy to break open in case of an emergency. Smashing the glass would net the pair a bottle of 20 pills and some carefully written instructions that they couldn't understand at the moment until they had time to try and figure it out, along with three sheets of paper with the same seals they'd seen in the chambers etched onto these sheets of paper. And on the walls next to each chamber they would see what was essentially a brief summary of what was contained in each of these chambers. Chambers 1 through 3 each contained the same type of animal, anyone who knew their animal genus and species would be able to more or less identify the picture on each of these biological summaries as that of the Canis Anthus, or more commonly known as the Golden Wolf. While they couldn't be sure, from what they could tell there were no details of what had happened to them to cause them to be in containment, the summary probably only detailed what was normal for their species. [hider=Canis Anthus] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/71/Golden_wolf_small.jpg/1024px-Golden_wolf_small.jpg[/img] [/hider] Chamber 4 and 5 each housed a singular Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, also known as Hyacinth Macaws, likewise with the wolves, it probably only detailed the original information they had on the species of bird itself. [hider=Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Anodorhynchus_hyacinthinus_-Disney_-Florida-8.jpg/800px-Anodorhynchus_hyacinthinus_-Disney_-Florida-8.jpg[/img] [/hider] Chambers 6 through to 10 proved to be the most interesting as the walls between each of them had been knocked down to turn these five individual chambers into one huge chamber, the walls of it covered in deep claw marks and the once clear doors marred with scratches, cracks and dents. A summary on chamber six that detailed it as a Crotalus Atrox, the western diamondback rattlesnake. It looked as though the caving in of the walls hadn't been done by the people who worked here, and that it was in fact the rattlesnake that had made such changes to it's accommodation. [hider=Crotalus Atrox] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Crotalus_atrox_USFWS.jpg/1280px-Crotalus_atrox_USFWS.jpg[/img] [/hider] There had been summaries on chambers 7 through to 10, but those were torn off at some point likely due to the snake's decision to move into the other chambers. [/hider]