The man in white approached Alice in a casual pace, his chest and shoulders held strong and his walk confident. He came to a stop at a comfortable three feet from her. He gave Alice a brief nod and then spoke. [b]"Good evening to you miss. Would you care to dance with me?"[/b] Back at the bar, Thomas and Dalton were both turned around in their stools, facing the crowded ball room. Dalton sat back rather casually, his elbows resting on the bar behind him, while Thomas was leaned forward, palms placed on his knees. "It seems a stranger has taken to Alice." Dalton said. "Yes, I see him." Thomas quickly replied. "Think it's our boy?" Thomas asked, leaning forward from the bar. "Possibly,"Thomas said,"but not assuredly. We need to find a way to unmask her in front of the entire reception. If Liam [i]is[/i] here, which I feel he is, he'll spot her, and he won't be able to resist." "And then we have him." Dalton said. "And then we have him." Thomas repeated. "But that guy,"Dalton pointed to the man in white before Alice,"his hair is dark, not red like Enduro's." "Liam Enduro is no fool," Thomas retorted,"odds are he's died his hair or taken up a wig. He's always been a clever bastard."