Hello! I am writing this to seek out one new writing partner. I have recently embarked on the long and arduous journey towards a PhD, which will limit my availability considerably. But fear not, I'm not going to stop writing any time soon! I seek engaging, mature stories, that allow me to study the different ways different characters react to various situations. Playing adult women is what I am best versed at, but I enjoy playing NPCs of all genders. My posting requirements are also rather simple: anything above one meaty paragraph makes me a happy gal. The goal is advancing the story and explaining what the characters feel, so do it the way you think best. Please, please let me know if you don't like the RP. We can create something new or part as friends. Mature content is also to be expected, as we are dealing with real people, leading real lives, but I need a plot to go with it as well. For that reason, I would seek to write with those above 18 years of age. The only things I tend to shy away from are related to anime and furry characters. If you have cravings and ideas you always wanted to do, please send them my way. Thanks for reading all this! PM me to get this started!