[i]If you're going out then I want to come.[/i] There was still a chance that her group was out here somewhere, and though she tried to act like she was okay with being locked in a room, Ash had found the isolation and confinement close to maddening after nearly a year spent in the constant company of people and outdoors. It had been discussed briefly over breakfast, a small disagreement about it but they had agreed to bring her in the end as the group decided to head out on a supply run after the department of their friend yesterday, much to her relief. It was easy to get back into this kind of routine. Scanning the trees, checking around shrubs and rocks, making sure it was as safe as the world could be these days to go forwards. Slowing before eventually pausing her steps Ash spotted a slight movement just off to the side. Glancing around she saw no signs of the dead, at least not yet and the others were just ahead. She could go and check quickly and catch up, calling out would just attract unwanted attention. Her clothes had dried and Leo was back behind the group somewhere, acting as a rear guard, so she felt fairly well protected. Drawing her knife Ash moved as silently as she could towards the downed tree, giving it a wide enough birth that if anything was lurking behind it she would have enough space to not be gabbed. Small twigs snapped beneath her feet and the leaves rustled softly with each step but other than that it was quiet here. If there was something dead it would have been making noise by now- a slightly noise to the left caught her attention, she half turned, but felt something grab at her before she had a chance to fully react. A strong grip took hold of her torso, a hand clamping over her mouth before any sound could escape and the girl was suddenly pulled back into a body, pressing her against themself. Panic struck at Ash as she struggled in vain against the grip on her. Her knife had been dropped in the ambush, however after a moment a flash of common sense returned and she bit hard on the hand over her mouth, feeling it instantly release her with a cry. “Aaargh! Ahh, stop! Hey! It’s me!” She’d already moved several steps away from the figure but stopped and turned at the voice, a frightened look on her face for a moment and her hands held up defensively until she saw the familiar face. That brown hair, those warm chocolate eyes, that goofy smile, the slight country twang to his voice. “Luke!” Kneeling down the man shook his hand slightly, inspecting the fingers. “Yes! Man… bit the hell out of me. I think you drew blood. Come all this way-” His words however were cut short as Ash closed the gap between them and hugged him tightly.