Name: Lorea [hider=Location] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Description: Following the fall of the old empires, there was a time of confusion and migration across the central plains of the Sunrise Lands. In the land currently known as Lorea were many tribes of elves and humes, which initially warred against each other for control of the region and its resources. As the years stretched on, however, the feuding ultimately settled and the tribes began to intermingle. The Loreans are the descendants of these tribes, united today not only under the rule of their sovereign but also in blood. Loreans are neither elves or humes, but both, known elsewhere as half-elves. They have inherited some of the longevity of their elven forbears, but resemble humes more in appearance and constitution. They feel kinship with both, but are at the same time alienated because of the historical tension between the races. Horses are central to the lives of the Loreans. They are herders and traders, and sometimes raiders, especially in wartime. They are however not a traditionally aggressive people but have responded harshly to provocations in the past. There is no central faith or religion among the Loreans; rather, they are polytheistic and inclusive in their beliefs. Worship of Aurelia is common in the east, while reverence for Mana and Luna are widespread in the west. [hider=Inspirational Pictures] [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider]