A very obviously and clearly male figure idly stood with one hand folded, and the other flicking in various directions, as a small rock, about ten pounds, was partially encased in a blue glow, and was in midair, flicking in various directions. He sighed, letting the rock down and turning towards the Venbu. Impressive beasts, to be sure. And likely quite interesting magically, although he wasn’t interested in that personally. He sighed. Unfortunately, the caravan leader, likely that knight over there, knew his name, but maybe he could get away with telling the others his name was Ilruvae. He didn’t like his ‘true’ name. It was... feminine. His parents had wanted a daughter, so of course they named him something female, as if that would change something. To be honest, with how his mother apparently was in her free time, it was a wonder [b]Pyra Nume[/b] had gotten through childhood without any... changes. Knowing what he did now, he wouldn’t have put it past her, honestly. But enough reminiscing, there’s a job to be done, and he was here to help do it.