[hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBkNzI0NS5UV0Z5YVdwdUlFUnlhV1Z6YzJWdUlBLCwuMQAA/happyhanneke.regular.png [/img] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjY2OTFmZi5UV2x1TFVwMWJpQkNZV1ZyLjAA/attic.regular.png [/img] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi44OGMwY2QuUTJGbGJHVmhJRUpoYVhKay4w/rainy-wind.regular.png[/img] [/center] [code]Grand Ridge Academy - ??[/code][hr] Holy fuck, things were just getting worse and worse. Rien looked around wide eyed at the bodies that lined the streets. This had to be some kind of nightmare. No way was that going to become reality. But it seemed so real. And with Scott going around killing people like them it was hard to deny this was an actual possibility. Caelea felt sick in the stomach. She’d just watched someone getting slaughtered and now all she could see was bodies for miles. The glowing orb was so like the one from before. She didn’t think she could throw up while like this, but she certainly felt like it. Then there was the glowing white figure. “But what if we don’t all have these abstractions?” She shook her head. She certainly had no clue what she had. It could be useless or it could be nothing. It was all well for this god creature thing to tell them they had to stop some horrible thing but… it wasn’t that easy was it. “Even if we all want to stop him, which seems like a good idea, doesn’t make it any easier to work together.” Min could only give a nod in agreement to what the albino girl said – and what a few before had also echoed. From what he had guessed of his abstraction it was useful for him (more knowledge was always good), but not for something like this. Even being faced with the bodies and seeing his parents among them didn’t change that. And it didn’t change that he didn’t want to work with most of the people here. “I mean I have to say I want to stop whatever this is,” Rien piped up, a bit shaky but otherwise seeming fine (they weren’t, there were bodies everywhere, but they weren’t going to think about that). “And if he’s absorbing their abilities that just makes it more important to stop him sooner, right. But [i]how[/i]? We all just got thrown right into the deep end with this.” As someone had already said, it hadn’t exactly come with instructions.