[center][img]https://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2014_05/invasion-concept-art.jpg.668dd760c03895726db6593f517de358.jpg[/img] [hider=Story][i][b]"If aliens visit us, it would be much like Columbus landing in America. Ask the Native Americans how that turned out"[/b] [u]Stephen Hawking[/u][/i] If you were to ask people when the end of world began, some would say it occured when humankind began sending messages out into the void. Most would say the world ended when Outsiders invaded in 2035. Humanity tried to stand against this enemy. Did it's best to hold them back. Diplomacy failed first, military might failed after. Earth's mightiest heroes were all that could fight the invasion. In the end, even Earth's superheroes couldn't stop them. Earth formerly surrendered on April 25th, 2037. The Outsiders began to occupy the planet, mining what resources that could be mined. Stone, precious metals, wood, water. Human kind had been beaten into submission as Earth began dying slowly. Soon, Earth had only one hope left to look to. Though it's government, it's military, and it's mightiest heroes couldn't stop them, there was only one power left that stood a chance at stopping the Outsiders....it's most powerful villains. While the Earth's heroes fought the invaders, it's villains watched and waited for the moment to strike. Looking for a weakness as the most brilliant studied and the most capable undermined the invaders at every turn. Only monsters can kill monsters, in this time of desperation humanity can only look to the worst of the worst.[/hider] [hider=Setting][u][b]Scotland Penal Colony The Former United Kingdom[/b][/u] After the Outsiders subjugated the Earth, Scotland was formed into a massive prison colony. Massive walls surround the country, machines patrol the borders, watching for any escape attempts. Many of Earth's villains were sent here, some becoming lords of their own slums, others hiding in the shadows and looking for means of escape[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet][code][center][img]malformed url[/img][/center] [h3][color=color2][b]N A M E[/b][/color] (Your Name & Alter Ego) [/h3] [color=color1][b]s p e c i e s[/b][/color] (Obvious) [color=color1][b]a g e[/b][/color] (Any) [color=color1][b]h e i g h t/ w e i g h t[/b][/color] (Obvious) [color=color1][b]g e n d e r[/b][/color] (Male, Female, Whatever) [h3][color=color1][b]P O W E R[/b][/color][/h3] (What can you do? Are your powers natural, magic, or scientific in origin? I highly recommend using the Superpower Wikia) [color=color1][b]w e a k n e s s[/b][/color] (Your kryptonite if you will and it has to be an actual weakness! no "pretty girls and sweets lol!") [h3][color=color1][b]I N F O[/b] [/color][/h3] (Free space, your bio leading up to the invasion, personality, likes, dislikes ect. may go here if you want but I actually encourage you to instead of writing the whole thing out to instead add to it as the rp goes on! Notes can also be anything you think is relevant! A new skill/ power you've learned, a crush you may have, a list of your relationships/enemies ect!) [/code][/hider][/center]