[@Zyamasiel] [i]There was scarcely any time to react properly, having not seen the exact move coming, and by the time Lysander felt the arms around him it'd be virtually too late. Gonad's arms were longer, heavier, and had the dynamic force of first initiative behind them, making it easy to fully encircle his opponent's body with superior power and secure his grip, whereas Lysander would have only just began moving his own limbs in reaction after feeling the sudden pressure. Reacting off of touch alone was befitting of the Matrix, not this scenario, where one fighter had actually tried to attempt combat without looking. That, and how he had an injured arm made his breaking of Gonad's hold nigh improbable. He'd manage to get a foot behind Gonad's knee, but he'd find that it was mostly a combination of an opponent's weight and the restriction of a flexing leg that restrained the target. The flexing outwards of a leg was naturally more forceful than the forwards pressure applied without the added leverage of significant bodily mass. As 220 pounds was almost negligible to Gonad, he'd be able to muscle his way into completing the suplex if nothing else were done, and by the time that became apparent it'd be too late to try another hook, not that it'd do much. Lysander's headbutt would hit only air, Gonad's head peaking at the base of the man's skull, jaw tucked in, cheek pressed against the nape of Lysander's neck. Gonad wanted to smash Lysander's head, not his own. Anyone foolish enough to attempt a suplex with their head level with their opponent's shouldn't be allowed to even grapple. All these things had been accounted for by Gonad, hence his lack of hesitation, the absence of doubt in his knowledge of bodily mechanics. This was why Gonad hadn't broken eye contact when he bowed. Looking away from your foe is considered borderline suicidal for good reason.[/i]