[b]Lyullia [/b]yawned, watching her soon-to-be travelling companions and sighing. She'd been a knight for at least a year, but this would still be her first time on a Royal Caravan. She'd travelled with a Caravan to get to Arcadia of course, but that was hardly formal. Being a member of the knights wasn't a choice she'd made because she wanted to be a knight, but rather one she made because it was the best option she had at the time. A roof over her head, a steady source of income, and a reliable source of food were more than enough to convince her to become a knight, even though Lyullia much preferred avoiding violence. Joining a Caravan however was something she liked even less. It meant that Lyullia had to lose a comfortable bed, a warm building to sleep in, and an easy way to acquire new books to read for who knows how long. Unfortunately, she didn't have that much choice in the matter. She could've opposed the idea, but that probably wouldn't have ended that well. Best to deal with it for now that suffer the potential consequences that could come with refusing. Her companions meanwhile, ranged from interesting to boring. A knight, far too invested in being a knight, stood so perfectly upright next to the Caravan that Lyullia wondered if he even had a back that was capable of bending. Inside the caravan sat another knight, but he looked far less disciplined. Playing a guitar, they seemed more like a travelling bard than a knight, but judging by the fact that they were here they probably were a knight after all. At least the music wasn't half-bad, and not annoyingly loud either. Near the front of the caravan stood her other two companions. One of them, obviously a mage, was playing around with a rock. Boredom did things to people's minds, but Lyullia preferred fighting it off with a good book. Or perhaps working on a clockwork machine. The other companion was wholly invested in the Venbu that were to haul the caravan. Lyullia didn't know much about them, but she heard they were reliable creatures. The girl seemed nice, but Lyullia also knew that she was likely a new recruit judging by her outfit, and based on their interest in the animals they were also the one in charge of them, giving her a very important role. Lyullia just hoped that she'd do it right so the caravan wouldn't have problems. Sighing, Lyullia approached the caravan. Best to stay close to it so she could hear what the General was going to say, lest she missed it.