[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@Kazemitsu][@Knox] Knowing that he was far under-prepared to fight these goblins, Jason reluctantly backed off from the crystals. Wandering about the cave, he stopped to think for a moment; [color=darkred][i]"Perhaps, if my rock shooting skill was more powerful.... I could kill those troublesome creatures...[/i][/color] Finding a large rock for target practice, Jason began practicing the technique he had used against the wisp, experimenting with angles, amount of water used, rock size, and more. He practiced, and practiced, and practiced... At least until Jason ran out of water... Heading back to the pond to replenish his reserves, he witnessed a small goblin timidly giving a handful of herbs to a red slime. [color=red]"Don't. Need."[/color] the red slime garbled out. Jason was astonished, slimes could speak?!?!?!??? Intrigued with this new revelation, he moved towards the red slime, managing to gargle out, [color=darkred]"Can. Speak?"[/color]