[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RCDOc4Y.png[/img] [COLOR=gray][sup][b] Team White | Servant - Saber [/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center] It was such short notice. Less than three months had been announced for this grail war. The letters going out, and the Masters seemingly appeared at random. But in a way, it seemed like anybody who had interest in the grail had become a candidate. In fact, with fourteen masters, an alliance had already been called out. The mysterious Dr. M himself claimed to have chosen the sides, ideologies and all that. In a way it seemed like they were playing a game of chess, and Emilia hated it. In fact, she'd spent the last three months relying on her sources to bring her the very object of an affection she'd held for a while. A servant she believed could win this war in a day. But this wasn't just a grail war of fourteen factions. In a way, she was worried. She stood at the window of the Weber mansion, hands folded behind her back, while the land of Germany sprawled out before her. She gazed upon Berlin, and a breath escaped her lips. She adored it, from where she stood above the streets and looking out the window of her family home. In a way, she was thankful her long life allowed her to so often gaze upon the country, and its slow rising to power once more. "Is my cause noble?" She said, to the room and not to the man behind her. With two days left before the White Team would have to converge, she had gone ahead with her plan. "Conquest is noble." The man said back, eyes boring into the back of her head. "But I don't want conquest. I want the world to be... Just how I see it from this window." "That, is conquest in and of itself." The figure took a step back, and he was silent again. She didn't look back, but Frau Emilia knew that he was watching in some way. A very judgmental servant if ever there was one. On her desk sat a letter. And while she knew now it was the mysterious M, she couldn't help but wonder... What really brought them all together? At the very least, there was a location set. Bürgerbräukeller. The bar could be seen from her window. A brew hall where Adolf Hitler himself had stood, and the Nazi party had gathered. Where else could it begin? ----------------------------------- [u][b]1939... Sunday August 20th... 5 PM...[/b][/u] The beer hall was empty tonight. In a way it was just a testament to what was bringing all of them together. Emilia sat at the end of a long table, as her gaze drifted slowly from tapestry to tapestry. The place had been bought out for the night, and only a select few individuals were meant to arrive. Seven, herself included. The table stretched out, with food adorned for all of them. Some may already have their servants, others maybe not. But they would all be summoned in time for the war to begin. __________________________________________________________________________ [center][h3][u][b]TEAM BLACK[/b][/u][/h3] [COLOR=gray][sup][b] Gathering the Team [/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center] It wasn't raining anymore. In truth, it was finally starting to become a nice afternoon glow once more. But the puddles filled the streets, and in the industrial sector it seemed as if every inch there was a swimming pool waiting for you. All this wound be fine, with the letters they had all received didn't lead to some gutted location. The Clocktower of all things had taken a interest in this grail war, and it seems they had figured out who was involved before others. The letters alone made it clear that they would only survive by working together. The building itself was nothing grand. Instead it was a hollowed out shell of a building. A former warehouse, with the ceiling torn wide open like a gaping wound. The rain had flooded the floor of the warehouse, with no drains to take it all away. Instead, the whole building seemed to be in a puddle. There was nobody there... Except, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f6/36/4a/f6364aacd0febf8b0fb7b2ba11485038--anime-pictures-anime-guys.jpg]for a man with stark white hair, and the outfit of a gentleman[/url]. "Welcome." He said, to the first person to enter. "Thank you for coming on such short notice."