[center][h2][color=B0171F][b]Collaboration - A Conversation by Campfire[/b][/color][/h2] [i][color=#8B5F65][b]Written by Silver Carrot and BurningCold[/b][/color][/i][/center] Katerina huddled close to the fire, a miserable spluttering thing that had been thrown together with what could be salvaged from the dead land surrounding her. Still, there was some degree of solace to be found within its glow. Night had well and truly descended upon the world at this point, the silvery moon hanging high in the darkened sky. Katerina was actually thankful for that. The ebony air made it harder to see too far into the twisted surroundings. It was this darkness that allowed Beoris to sense the presence far before Katerina could. [color=8B8970][i]One of the champions approaches, dearest. I sense a toxic presence with their mind. It seems the Green Death is the second among us to arrive.[/i][/color] Craning her neck forward to better peer into the gloom, Katerina's sharp ears picked up on the sound of soft footfalls, and then, the woman stepped into the dim ring of light emanating from the campfire. Where Katerina was a girl, the specimen before her was no doubt a woman. She was tall and thin, although built gracefully. Katerina had never seen a wrelmsman before, though from the descriptions she had been privy to, this new arrival certainly matched what she had come to expect. The sharp features dressing the woman's visage mirrored some of Katerina's own. However, the individual before her was better described as handsome, whereas Katerina was doubtless a fairer specimen. A light smirk rose and fell across her face at the thought. She watched in silence as the woman struggled to find her words, before finally offering a greeting. [color=#88C070]"Hello? I'm... I'm Fayvre."[/color] The weakness in the stranger's voice did a great deal to boost Katerina's own confidence. She rose to her feet then, and strode leisurely forward towards Fayvre. Standing about three feet from her, Katerina noticed that the top of her head barely came to reach past Fayvre's shoulders. She gave a little bow, and then smiled up at the wrelmswoman. [color=6CA6CD]"I would curtsy, but my current attire makes such an act unadvisable."[/color] She gestured to the short gray tunic cinched about her waist by a dark leather belt, her black leather leggings, the dark gray boots that laced up to her knees, and the blackened cashmere cloak with its dull metal brooch. [color=6CA6CD]"My name is Katerina, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."[/color] Her voice was kept light and respectful. [color=6CA6CD]"What is it that brings you to this bleak place?"[/color] [color=8B8970][i]This one belongs to Quoris, child, of that I am most certain. The Green Death doubtless senses me the same. While there was no love between us, there was a distinct lack of enmity as well. At the very least, we can trust these two not to poison us in our sleep.[/i][/color] Fay could sense something different about this girl almost immediately. Quoris could discern her vessel's curiousity and would address it after introductions were made. Manners were important, after all. So, she implanted the thought that Quoris would explain things soon into Fay's mind, and Fay's mind intergrated it as it's own thought all too easily. Fay, accepting that explanations will come, and that the girl posed no threat, relaxed and smiled down at her. The jovial comment about being unable to curtsy in that outfit even got a chuckle out of the wrelmsman woman. [color=#88C070]"The same thing that brought you here, I would imagine,"[/color] Fay answered, replying to the girl's question. [color=#88C070]"I was actually about to ask you what brought me to this place. I journeyed here under promises that all would be made clear once I reached here. Do you have the voice of one of the long-dead Shadow Legion in your head also?"[/color] [color=#88C070][i]Now that pleasantries have been exchanged, Fayvre, I feel it prudent to provide you with some more information. This location has been chosen to gather the twelve mortal vessels of the souls of the Shadow Legion. All twelve have been instructed to come here, and should arrive soon. This young girl has been chosen, by reason of some kind of spiritual connection, to Beoris, though I cannot imagine what that connection might be. If you are wondering, my connection to you is your love of science, thirst for knowldge, and disdain for those who will try to dissuade you from that path in the name of traditionality. Others may be chosen because they too are evil, or they too seek vengeance against the powerful. It might not be wise to trust every vessel, but this girl seems to bear us no threat.[/i][/color] Katerina sized up Quoris' chosen carefully. Her expression was kept pleasant and respectful, though her mind was hard at work looking to discern Fayvre's intentions. [color=8B8970][i]Child, do not be so suspicious of those that you do not know. A healthy dose of caution is good, truly, but all twelve of us have been called here for the same purpose. Go on, love, answer the girl's question.[/i][/color] Katerina sighed contentedly, pleased to engage with this stranger, so long as Beoris found no reason to mistrust her. Folding one hand back into her cloak, while outstretching another arm towards the meager campfire, Katerina spoke. [color=6CA6CD]"Surely it isn't much in the way of hospitality, but at the moment, it's all I can offer you."[/color] She chuckled softly. [color=6CA6CD]"Perhaps further discussion would be more comfortable closer to the light. Come."[/color] Turning then, Katerina drew her cloak closely around her, resting gingerly beside the fire. Little embers danced in the still air. Waiting until Favyre had herself situated, she turned towards the wrelmsman woman. [color=6CA6CD]"I do have a member of the Shadow Legion resting within me. But, as we both know, they aren't quite dead yet, are they?"[/color] A good-natured smile rose to Katerina's lips. [color=6CA6CD]"We are here to assemble the Shadow Legion incarnate, and carry out the desires of our lords and ladies."[/color] Fay took her place, seated beside the fire, glad of the warmth and the rest from standing. She sighed, smiling, and held her hands towards the flame. They were sore from the cold, and from the strain of riding. However, Katerina's comment made her pause, and her smile wavered slightly. Were they being gathered to reenact the carnage, death and destruction from centuries prior? Or were they merely to carry out the desires of their own 'lords and ladies'? Fay wasn't sure she was comfortable with either of those arrangements. [color=#88C070][i]Fear not, young Fayvre. I do not wish to force you to act against your own principles. Nor do I seek any authority over you. I cannot speak for the relationships between the rest of the chosen and their choosers, but my goal is simply to aid and assist you. I will grant you knowledge and in exchange I may ask for favours in the future, which you are well within your right to turn down. Besides that, I wish for you to merely do what you love; to learn, and to test the very boundaries of medicine, alchemy, and what they used to call 'witchcraft'.[/i][/color] Soothed and placated by her spiritual advisor's words, Fay's smile ceased wavering, and the doubt had vanished from her face. She looked across the fire to Katerina. [color=#88C070]"May I ask the story of how you found yourself here. Or is that too personal a tale to share with a stranger?"[/color] She asked. Katerina's eyes turned downcast, and the smile was gone from her face completely. The fire didn't seem so friendly anymore, and the night was growing to be oppressively chill. She pulled the cloak even tighter around her lithe form. [color=6CA6CD]"I... I will not say much. But I will say something. There isn't a point in keeping the general truth of the secret from you."[/color] Katerina's voice was flat, and a glare was forming on her face as she stared into the flame. She cursed herself for the vulnerability she was unable to mask. The wounds were still fresh in her mind. [color=6CA6CD]"My full name is Katerina Valdi."[/color] She turned to stare at Fayvre. [color=6CA6CD]"I'm sure you have heard the news."[/color] Katerina turned away. [color=6CA6CD]"I do not wish to discuss this matter further."[/color] A brief moment passed. Then another. Then another. Finally, releasing a shaky breath, Katerina gave Fayvre an uncertain smile. [color=6CA6CD]"I am sorry for my grim demeanor. What of you? What lead you to this place?"[/color] Fay had heard that name, from hearsay and rumors told in several of the free cities she had visited on her journey. She had paid the story little mind then, but she knew enough of the tale to know why a Valdi would ally with a member of the Shadow Legion, and why they didn't want to go into great detail about their past. [color=#88C070]"I'm sorry..."[/color] Fay answered, her own smile also now gone and replaced with a grim sorrow. [color=#88C070]"As for me, I'm not a part of any family you would have heard about. I'm a commoner. My mother was a healing lady, and my father was a hunter. We lived in Wood's Edge, in Rialzi. My mom's now dead, and my father's...crippled. There's nothing left for me there now."[/color] Fay explained, hanging on the word 'crippled' for suspiciously long. [color=#88C070]"I briefly worked as a surgeon in the center of Rialzi, but I didn't enjoy it. All I would ever get called upon to do was to sew the wounds of mercenaries, guards and infantry. That's when I had a dream which...looking back, was Quoris talking to me, telling me to stop doing what I didn't enjoy and travel to here, to a 'higher calling' as she put it."[/color] [color=6CA6CD]"This is a higher calling."[/color] A tremulous merriment had crept back into Katerina's voice. [color=6CA6CD]"Commoner or noble, who you were then has no bearing on who you are now."[/color] No, it didn't. None of them had Beoris. That alone set Katerina apart from all the others. She smiled gently. [color=6CA6CD]"We have been given the opportunity of a lifetime here. No one else may boast of the unique potential that we bear. I think that in this moment, our new lives have truly begun."[/color] [color=8B8970][i]Well said, well said indeed. I see that time in isolation has not blunted your charm.[/i][/color] Katerina giggled aloud, before catching herself. Her cheeks flushed. Fayvre nodded, and couldn't help but chuckling too. She hadn't felt this happy and content in months, nay, years! It really did feel good to have a purpose again. Quoris' assurances had put to rest any misgiving about what her destiny might entail under the guidance of the Shadow Legion. What she felt she was really being offered was the freedom and choice to go where she wished, and do what she wished, and while her wishes may not be malicious, she knew that Quoris shared her dreams. Despite being such a notorious evil figure from the past, Quoris had a lot in common with Fay. Another laugh escaped from between Katerina's lips, one that she was not ashamed to share aloud. They were free. [color=6CA6CD]"I suspect the others will not be long now..."[/color]