[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/kingdom-hearts-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180427/1ea4b4b0a8809652596158d9d4705dc8.png[/img][/url] [sub] Husband of;[color=#fdc68a] Kuki Aho [/color] [@Melody00] Interacting with;[color=#fdc68a] Kuki Aho [/color] [@Melody00][/sub] [/center] [hider=Summary and explanation] I know this is TECHNICALLY a double post, as Melody hasn't posted yet in response, but we felt i had to post as I had not described the manor to her yet, and the GM post made it all rainy, So, to make it easier on melody, I posted again and did a bit of description. The manor itself is one story, and very wide, split into three wings. Two wings are vassal owned and are not as decorated as the man building and its great hall. As it will be mentioned below is the entirety of the outside walls are done in cut Sandstone, the inside is made of stacked slate with granite keystones, and supported by wooden beams looted from destroyed outposts and fortifications from Vannoth and his ancestors previous battles. The Great hall is the only building to feature the wooden beams, and along these beams are trophies won by each warrior who added the beam to the manor. While Vannoth does not Live here, his vassals still do. Many a broken bone shall be had under this roof! The entirety of the manor is detailed very much so like a Villa, with wide open corridors with no walls- leaving the walk way open to the elements. [/hider] As the rain had picked up He spread his cloak and wraps it about her, to keep her dry and warm. It wasn't out of any wish to impress or protect her, but rather more of a 'It'd be a waste for her to get sick already' thought. Maybe that was just his own way of down playing it, but perhaps he really didn't care, he wasn't one to judge himself based on a moments reaction. He led her inside as the rain had picked up [color=#C9AE5D]"The rain is rare, but when it comes down it pours."[/color] He sighed on the steps to the manor. [color=#C9AE5D]"Now... I don't live here, but I do own it, and many of my people are likely inside, in fact many of my trainees will likely be inside. Many will attempt to touch you, maybe even harm you, if you try to leave my side or leave the same room I'm in... Do not be surprised if I have to break one or two of them in front of you for attempting to take or harm you."[/color] The outside of the manor was very unassuming, you wouldn't think anyone of power or wealth lived there, the smooth sandstone walls almost made it just blend in with the nearby buildings. As he threw open the doors to the building, it was a very different story. The floor was the only sandstone here, and the inner walls are of carefully cut slate and granite keystones, and here in the main building and hall, the walls and roof were supported by wooden beams, looted and taken from earlier battles from both Vannoth and his ancestors. The men here were loud, as the doors open it grew louder for a moment as many stood and were going to oppose the intruder, and as they saw the warlord himself being he who threw open the doors there was little to no sound. Dead silence, due to a mixture of confusion and fear. [color=#C9AE5D] "Welcome, Kuki, to what seems to be my vassal's little party in My Manor..." [/color] he walked forward into the warm hall, all eyes on the very grumpy looking warlord. [color=#C9AE5D]"You have your own wing, GET OUT OF MY HALL!"[/color] his bellow almost a roar in the host's face, as he grabbed his blade that hung at his side, preparing to draw as raise it as most of the men in the hall began to scatter through the corridors and into their own wings. [color=#C9AE5D]"Those of you who belong here, clean this mess up."[/color] he sat down in his vacant chair, grumbling as he gestured to one of the warriors [color=#C9AE5D]"Bring my new bride a seat of her own and something to eat."[/color] the warrior may be no servant but there is a risk that comes of ignoring a 'request' from a warlord in his own home and it is not a risk one willingly takes when said warlord has a reputation for an explosive and violent temper. Needless to say, before long the table in the hall was set back into place, and a new chair was brought in for Kuki.