[center][h2]C O R R I N E[/h2][/center] [hr][hr] "I'm Corrine," [color=cccccc]she said slowly, the name coming to her in the same instance she spoke. Syrenia could use a bow and a sword, and most of the others looked to be capable in some form of self defense. Another thing they all had in common, apparently. Corrine wasn't sure how her instincts came to that rationalization. Her gaze fell to the weight on her arm: the shield with an unfamiliar emblem. It was evident that she could at least use that. She looked to her other hand, clenching and unclenching her fingers. She could imagine a sword there, rarely as pretty as the shield she had. She slowly pushed her hand forward, as if practicing a stab.[/color] "Definitely a sword," [color=cccccc] she decided to herself. With another look around at her new company, it seemed that she was one of the oldest. It was strange to be among so many women, though. She wasn't quite sure, but it felt like relief came along with the realization. Her gaze rested on Helvete with a confused, narrowed gaze. He didn't seem to be entirely right of mind. She looked around at the rest, waiting for the rest of the introductions.[/color]