[centre][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/tNgd1hbcyHH4Y44gWpVoT0UNKk2nsnJ5JvsdQaCH7u8/http/txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmQ2MDAxMS5SV1JwZEdnLC4w/nosifer.regular.png[/img][/centre] Edith would wake up in the Nurses office, slowly opening her eyes through a wave of dizziness. Looking up at the ceiling she would find herself in a pristine white room, quickly realising that she was lying on a bed, and in some kind of medical facility, presumably either because she'd managed to injure herself or because she was currently being experimented on by evil scientists. [color=ed1c24]"What's going on?"[/color] In her delirious state Edith fails to notice the telltale signs of bloodless, as she groggily tries to sit up in the bed before promptly falling back down, causing several of the nurses to rush over fuss about her current condition. [color=#848484]"Careful you lost a lot of blood during your fight... well pretty much all of it... you should rest now you're in no condition to move."[/color] Deciding that these were probably not villains trying to dissect her for their own nefarious plans and were in fact probably UA's infirmary staff, Edith concluded that she should ignore them anyway. Searching for the source of vitality that was shortly hooked up to her veins Edith quickly located the blood bag and despite the nurse's protests, quickly got hold of the object using her powers to drain its contents. With a decent amount of blood finally back inside of her, Edith's dizziness finally begins to clear as she begins to remember her fight with Mycel. [color=ed1c24]"Hehehe, that was fun... but I lost... also fun!"[/color] He usual grin returns to her face, causing some of the nurses attending her to nervously step back, as she practically fell out of the bed swaying dangerously as she righted herself, before moving to acquisition several of the infirmaries blood bags. Her actions prompting a short wrestling match with between her and one of the braver nurses, Edith only lasting half a minute or so in her current state before conceding that she only needed a couple [s] for fun [/s] to keep her from collapsing. With that Edith left the building, only crashing into three or four walls on her way out, eager to see how the next battle would go.