[b][center][h2]Paige Kennedy[/h2][/center][/b] The pain in her head and most of the rest of her body was nearly gone and except for being completely exhausted, Paige was feeling [i]very good[/i] from the meds the nurse doled out. She was listening to Milo and Siobhan talk back and forth briefly before Milo walked out for a breath of fresh air. Similar to before, she could hear them and understand them just fine, but there was something like a slight delay in her cognition. She had to really concentrate to keep up. [i]This stuff is fan-freakin-tastic[/i]. She thought. Her glance was switching back and forth between them as they spoke. [i]He looks mad[/i] The voices came up again. [i]He’s gonna kill that guy[/i]. One said. [i]Yea! Barehanded![/i] Another added. [i]We don’t need his help, we’ll put the next one in the ground too, just wait ‘til we get outta this damn hospital[/i]. She looked over at Sio drowsily. [i]God, she talks a lot[/i]. The same commanding voice snapped. [i]Hey! She’s our friend![/i] As Milo walked away, her eyes followed him out. [i]He loves us[/i]. One more concluded blissfully. Paige sighed a little as Sio kept talking. She was glad to have the younger redhead alongside for a while. Being new in the city gave her the chance to [i]pick[/i] her close-family in some sense and the girl was the best friend she had outside of work. Sure, she was a bit naïve and a tad nosey, but she made Paige feel [i]human[/i] again, much like Ana had done. Like an anchor that kept her from drifting too far into her fix for contempt. She had come at just the right time. For years her motives and schemes cut a dangerous line between becoming an outlaw herself and continuing on as an officer of the law to the point where more than a few criminals accused her of being potentially dangerous if she were on the other side. She focused, trying to pay attention to Sio’s words, but only really catching the last part about Milo. “I don’t know, Van.” She said looking distantly at Sio from just under her eyelids. Part of her wanted to ask who was the beauty and who was the beast, but her wits were as exhausted as everything else. “It’s just… complicated…” She could feel her hair being moved gently and saw Sio's arms working slowly. The nurse cleaned most of the blood out of it and she wondered a bit about her appearance, though judging by Sio's reaction, black-eye-chic wasn't her best look. [@Almalthia]