[color=darkorange][center][h1]Mason Drake[/h1][/center] [/color][hr][@Rai][@geurls][@Jollan] First being freed freed from slavery, and now being offered a quest by the king of Vrondi? Mason's heart soared; this day just kept getting better and better. Perhaps even more shocking, was Mirror's offer,[color=#C6DEFF]"You both have been a great help. With this you can help the Aion and achieve whatever else you desire. If armaments is what you need. I have you covered."[/color] Mason was in awe, did the Aion's generosity know no end? [color=darkorange]"Y-you would do that? Even after you have already done so much?[/color] he stuttered. A hopeful smile slowly spread across Mason's face; here was his chance to become a hero, he [b]WOULD[/b] get that artifact, he [b]WOULD[/b] complete the king's quest. Looking at Mirror with a determined expression, [color=darkorange][i]*clears throat*[/i] "I accept this quest... You will not be disappointed!"[/color] he declared, before guzzling down the alcohol before him, and slamming his mug on the table, a fiery look filling his eyes......