Oh for fuck's... Couldn't a girl go out and have a nice time without some slack-jawed knight in shining armour coming over and demanding to get involved? Just when the punch-up was about to start, too. Yaaaawn. Course, before she could make her dissatisfaction known and kindly request that the knight select the window through which he would make his departure, [i]another[/i] bampot decided he would get involved too. Some glowy fucker, I dunno. Didn't recognise the face. Regardless, Siiga's hand slipped to her hip and settled on the knife hilt there. If things got ugly, she wanted to land the first hit. "This doesn't concern you, old man. Piss off" Siiga snarled. He talked so fancy, it was sickening. You could tell a lot about a person by the way they talked. For example, from the way Sir Glows-a-lot was talking, Siiga could tell he was a pure bellend, and probably a kiddie fiddler. All "youthful folk" this and "young one" that. And yet everyone seemed so enraptured by him, like they were looking at the Gods themselves. That just seemed like a good way to inflate his ego, she thought, still not letting go of her dagger. He cast some glowy spells - because of course he did - and insisted that she go and grab some ancient mystical artifact for him. Oh, and he was a king, apparently. Siiga reacted to that the same way one would react to being told the weather. A king, sending other people to do his dirty work? Whomever would have thunk it? "Cut the "young one" crap, old man. You're giving me the creeps." was Siiga's initial response, before her features softened. "Yo,if you're that dead set on getting it, why dontcha get it yourself? Either way, I'm sure it can wait til after the festival" when the booze has run dry, she added under her breath. She sat down, ready to go back to her drinks. A night of strong beer and easy women lay before her. But no sooner than had she taken the first sip did she hear... "...I need someone from the Aion to get this relic..." Siiga slammed her mug down. "Come on, lads. Get up. We're moving" The general reaction was a confused "huh?" "If we dont get a move on, those fancy-ass knight motherfuckers are gonna get it first. Like fuck am I letting that happen. Come on, lets go!" Still very drunk, the motley band of crooks gathered their things and staggered out the door. They were gonna find this artifact, and damn the knights and their Day-Glo king