[hider=Master of Humanity, the Empire of all Humankind] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/19/eb/7a/19eb7a8a2b4c84322e8761074865665c.png[/img] [hr][hr] [h1][b]EMPIRE OF HUMANITY[/b][/h1] [i]"Never before has humanity stood as it stands today; every step along the road is a new record, every new discovery is a discovery never-before-seen by the eyes of humanity, and every new encounter is one that happens for the first time in human history! We mighty few, proud people of the stars, are destined for great things!" - [b]Leo Charles Anglian XXXVII, Emperor of a United Humanity[/b][/i][/center] [hr][hr] - history - [hr][hr] [h2]CULTURAL OVERVIEW -[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ExxhbJS.jpg[/img] - text - [hr][hr] [h2]GOVERNMENTAL OVERVIEW -[/h2] -img- -text- [hider=territories of humanity][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/65/15/1e/65151e437cf316ac5f35923d44aebc4d.jpg[/img] [i]1. [b]Cesserine, Grand Capital of the Empire[/b]. A metropolitan location without equal throughout all the empire, Cesserine is not only the center for finance, but also judicial and legislative authorities. Home to humanity, it is the most inhabited location in the sector, maybe even the galaxy... Who knows? Due to the massivity of Cesserine, population census are questionable, sometimes even off by several million, or even a few billion. 2. [b]Eden, the Capital of Odyne[/b]. Second most impressive planet in the empire, it it second only to Cesserine. A direct mimicry in almost all aspects to the original, Eden was the first colony established after the reorganization during the age of discovery. After initially establishing the core region, Eden became the first truly independent settlement in human history, eventually growing so great that it formed the region of Odyne on its own. 3. [b]Leopoldsberg, the Capital of Leopold-Heischwein[/b]. The Domina Twins, two almost identically similar planets circling the star of Domina, a bright star with a furious temper. Last to be established amongst the regions, the city-planets of Leopoldsberg and TeĆ¼tenberg are marvels of technological accomplishments performed by the fathers of humanity's forefathers. Equipped with ferociously powerful radiation shields to defend them against the enraged solar storms. Due to their prime location at the center of the stellar region, it is a massive trade hub and also acts as the primary supply-line into many of New Luminelbergs' fortification-zones. 4. [b]Caemare, the Capital of Luminaire[/b]. Acting as the direct line between Leopoldsberg, and therefore Cesserine, and the frontier, Caemare is tremendously important for security purposes. As such, it has transformed into the drydock of the United Expeditionary Armada which often acts in Protectorate space once local garrisons may recieve issues with either public order or worst-case scenario, an invasion or mass outbreak. The orbiting drydock, Sigismund Space Station, is the second largest stellar construct ever constructed by humanity's hands, second only to the Imperia Regalia Supradicta; home to the Emperor and the Grand United Defense Armada, as well as the Joint-Branch Military High Command. 5. [b]New Luminelberg, Foremost amongst the Protectorates[/b]. Most exceptional of the more recently colonized protectorate regions, New Luminelberg is a prosperous nation under the absolute authority of the Empire of Humanity that spawned it. Created in the process of the grand expansion of the second era of discovery, New Luminelberg is the largest and strongest of the protectorates, having established a vast industrial complex, cultural heritage, and social order almost completely independent of its suzerain, the greater nation of the Empire of Humanity. 6. [b]New Cessarine, Last amongst the Protectorates[/b]. The black sheep of the protectorates, a void region lacking not only valuable rare minerals, but also is bereft of ideal colonization candidates. As such, the settlements are not only fewer and farther between than anywhere else in the empire, but also less successful as a result. Due to its unsustainability and dependence on its suzerain-state, it is forced to submit all authority under national martial law throughout all of New Cessarine, which means that Imperial Defense fleets effectively rule the region under absolute authority. This has lead to Neo-Cessarines adopting a highly rebellious and anti-authoritarian view, although ironically the Empire of Humanity is a surprisingly democratic apparatus. 7. [b]New Thyne, Second amongst the Protectorates[/b]. A highly unremarkable place, independent and self-serving, the ideal subject for the Empire. It lives in extreme mediocrity, unable to perform to the standards of its sibling-nation of New Luminelberg, and permanently better than the black sheep of New Cessarine. Home, however, to some of the most exceptional alien wildlife, a rarer find than one'd suspect. Usually wildlife and xenobiology is handcrafted by gene-splicing and bioengineering when settling a new planet, but the region of New Thyne was surprisingly hospitable, apparently, for alien wildlife. As such, New Thyne thrives on booming tourism, often seeing the presence of the Emperor and his Imperial family more than a few times per standardized year. 8. [b]The Imperia Regalia Supradicta, Citadel of Humankind[/b]. As aforementioned, the Imperia Regalia Supradicta is a citadel without equal in the entirety of human history. Built out of the ruins of a naturally destroyed planet through means of cosmic collision, an imposing fortress grandiosely fitted with golden-coloured metals and whatever-other regal colours imaginable to produce a jewel before unseen by human eyes. It is said that the Imperia Regalia Supradicta is so beautiful that, when it was first revealed to the public, it inspired awe in all who watched the public broadcast. Capable of maintaining the combined fleet of humanity's entire defensive armada (although it has never actually occured), it acts as the central station and organizational organ for which most of the Empire's life depends upon. Most certainly the most important part in the entirety of the vast nation. Whilst the Imperia Regalia Supradicta is technically not inside of core imperial territory, legally, anywhere that the Imperial Family visists is directly under their immediate authority. 9. [b]Superba, Factory of the Empire[/b]. Whilst no one planet is responsible for the truly awesome production capacity of any one stellar nation, be it the empire, or a yet undiscovered alien nation, but Superba, the planet of invention, truly challenges that statement. Whilst it is a fact that no more than 25% of global production across the entire empire is produced by Superba, that is still a highly impressive 25%. No one truly knows how Superba became as powerful an existence as it is today, but it is a fact that it is aware of its power and therefore authority. Superba often acts in its own interests, even if it means direct offending the Emperor in the process.[/i][/hider] [hr][hr] [h2]TECHNOLOGICAL OVERVIEW -[/h2] -img- -text- [hr][hr] [h2]MILITARY OVERVIEW -[/h2] -img- -text- [center][b]---[/b][/center] -img- -text- [center][b]---[/b][/center] -img- -text- [hr][hr][/hider]