I know I need the sample post. Got this far without my computer crapping out. Will edit later. [center][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6539/a7ab7ff0023c227d80fdcb548e8d644133bc174d_hq.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Player Name:[/b] Kal-El [b]Character Name and Alias:[/b] Thor Odinson the God of Lightning [b]Origin and Brief Bio:[/b] (Provide one paragraph summarizing the character's origin and the highlights of their career up to this point) Thor Odinson has lived for over five millennia as a warrior for the Asgardian Gods. He stood a testament to their strength, willpower, and also their arrogance which led to Odin sending his own son to Midgard to learn humility. There he met Jane Foster, a woman who would come to be his lover, and he crafted bonds with many heroes. One particular hero would be Steve Rogers, who Thor regards as Earth's Greatest Hero and his best friend. Unfortunately Thor found himself in a harrowing predicament. He let his anger manifest into a warrior madness, an act due to Loki's tricks and losing an arm, that led Thor into a battle with various heroes including the Hulk. A battle that injured civilians and caught Odin's ire for his son's foolish disregard. Exactly one month later, Thor had returned to Earth but without his hammer. He had become unworthy and he would need to prove himself like he did many millennia ago. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] (Describe what the character can do) Being a god, Thor is physically what one would call a powerhouse. Beyond his monstrous physical attributes, Thor has spent most of his life in war, garnering a vast understanding of strategies and tactics though Steve Rogers is still his superior. He is also well versed in most forms of combat, armed and unarmed. Lastly, while Thor may have lost most of his magic, he can still channel some of his lightning and mundane energy blast. [b]Brief Sample Post:[/b] "Look at you. Weak as a newborn baby without your hammer." The red giant of man remarked as he placed a right hook on the god of thunder's jaw. A single punch turned into a quick combination of various punches. So much force packed in the red giant's fist, known as the Juggernaut, that sound of fist on face could be heard down the street. Earth shook from each blow and Thor could barely mount his own offense. For a moment, he could only imagine that this was part of his punishment for his foolhardy nature in the past. This thought process held control over Thor's mind and body, keeping him from being the man he could be. "THOR! FIGHT BACK!" Suddenly a young voice rang out from the crowd of people that were watching the titans battle. It was the voice of a boy that still held belief in the god of thunder, a boy that knew of Thor's foolish battle with the Avengers and still screamed for Thor to fight on. While Thor may have hated himself for the things that he had done, he could never discount the love that people held for him. That love and belief was all a god needed to truly fight. Juggernaut threw another fist but this time Thor caught it with his uru metal arm. His feet didn't even budge as he stood tall against the red giant. It was at this moment that Juggernaut knew he had chosen the wrong opponent. Thor brought a swift haymaker to Juggernaut's stomach, knocking the wind from the villain's sails and forcing to take a step back. Another blow landed in the form of a kick to the shins and then a quick step inward to get behind Juggernaut. Thor wrapped his arms around the villain's waist to hoist him up, bend backwards, and slam him head first into the concrete. "I may be without hammer but I am still a hero. Lest you remember that." Thor said in a confident voice, axe in hand, pointing at Juggernaut. He was the God of Thunder but heart he was always an Avenger, hero of Midgard.