Alex was concentrating on controlling his breathing, letting the music in his ears carry him across the concrete. The intensity of the sunlight here in Panama was brutal compared to back home, and even now he could feel his sweat soaking into his clothes in a futile attempt to bleed off the oppressive heat of the day. He turned a corner and into a short breeze, a moment of respite before the burn returned to his face as his attention was drawn to his heart trying to hammer it's way out of his chest. The music ended and his feet felt like lead, landing more heavily than a Gunner plodding it's way back to base. He hadn't been here long and already he had formed a routine in his morning run. Gulping air for a moment, he keyed his uplink to silent before he walked into the same convenience store he'd stopped at for the past two weeks. Same drink, same cashier, same chime as the door opened. Alex relaxed in the serene monotony of his morning as his tired legs carried him through the city's crowds as he went over his plans for Colony Day. He keyed his uplink again, switching it to broadcast news as he wove through the crowd back towards his home. He'd be back in time for the Parade, as even he found himself drawn to the spectacle.