Kharne just shook his head on the matter of pride, the smaller npc wouldn't understand what he meant and he didn't have the patience to deal with the apparent youths mindset. The kid had been programmed to talk and think like this and it was possibly impossible for him to think any other way. Never mind the fact it wasn't his place to try and re-educate the kid, Grey possibly could but he doubted that would ever happen. Ah crap now he's going on about a previous guild leader. He groaned audibly at the mention of bureaucracy. [color=red]"That's why I never got into politics...I'd rather cave in their ass dragging faces than sit around and talk things out for weeks or months..."[/color] He muttered more to himself than Quinn. [color=red]"As for having a say, I'm an outsider. I'm not a part of your empire. Do you [b]really[/b] think any of your allies or friends would listen to me? Maybe if I were human, but I'm not."[/color] He explained. It wasn't hard to see distaste or distrust in others. Especially those in the empire type mindset, why hide what you were thinking when you were the vast majority?