Marko winced as his arm fell away from his body, more a gesture of frustration than actual pain. Turning to face his assailant, his grimace turned into a wicked grin. [color=SandyBrown]"Well, well, well,"[/color] the Sandman sneered, [color=SandyBrown]"Cap'n America, the one an' only. I've always wanted a shot at you, one kid from the streets to another."[/color] The mass of sand that was his severed arm pooled around his feet, piling back into his body as the sands shifted to grow a new arm. [color=SandyBrown]" 'course, you was here back when the [i]Dodgers[/i] was here, too,"[/color] he said, his hands turning into masses of quills. [color=SandyBrown]"Speakin' of, why dontcha try dodgin' [i]these!!![/i]"[/color] As the quills hardened to jagged rocky spears, Sandman flung them towards the Star-Spangled Avenger, a hail of tiny darts speeding towards the hero in a blur. [hr] [b][i]Elsewhere...[/i][/b] "Sir, we've just received confirmation," an aide stated, hesitantly approaching the figure cloaked in shadows, "Captain America has arrived on the scene and is engaging the Sandman." [color=Red]"Excellent,"[/color] the figure responded, the voice dripping with malice. [color=Red]"The Captain has no weapons that can hurt Marko; at best, he can delay for others to arrive."[/color] "Should...should we begin Phase Two, then, sir?" There was a pause as the figure contemplated, before responding. [color=Red]"Not yet,"[/color] came the answer. [color=Red]"Stark and the others are unaccounted for just yet. Once they are occupied, we shall proceed."[/color]