[centre][h2][colour=DAA520]Yui Ren[/colour][/h2][/centre][hr] Grinning and gratified to see that one of her shots [i]had[/i] found it’s mark, Yui met the attack on the wounded Snake Man. The beast was losing blood fairly rapidly, but it was still very dangerous, and melee fights were not her strong suit. Parrying the enraged slashes, she countered with blows targeting the wounded side. The Snake Man was still a bit too fast for her to get inside its defences, but in its weakening state it was too slow to overwhelm her. [colour=DAA520][i]Just gotta wait.[/i][/colour] She thought, eyeing the ever widening blood stain on its side. Circling each other, they parried and counter-attacked neither gaining an advantage; but Yui was just playing for time so-to-speak. No sense in taking a risk on an inevitable outcome.