[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#cc33ff][center]Guinevere Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/s013lph2n/image.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Guin gave Lance a bit of a wave, only managing to grab a cream soda out of the mini bar by the time her father came into the room. She couldn't help but mentally kick herself - Happy probably told Tony the instant she arrived back home. It had been silly to imagine she'd at least have a few moments to just hang with Lance before she got the lecture of the day. Popping open the top of the cream soda, she pretended to be busy taking her first sip of it as she mulled over how to best answer Tony's question. She knew what Lance's strategy was - to just nod and tune him out - but she was always horrible at sticking to it. [color=#cc33ff]"Whatever...I was just talking to the teacher and apparently she thought I was being rude,"[/color] Guin explained with a shrug. She was leaving out a lot of details but in her mind, that was all that really happened. [color=#cc33ff]"Honestly, Dad, I think it was bullshit she gave me detention anyways. I was minding my own business, writing down every 22nd word that she said since [i]nothing[/i] she went over was even remotely close to new information...Like I swear, tomorrow she'll probably explain how addition and subtraction work. It was that boring."[/color]